Highlights of the Podcast
02:10 – ‘Legitimately Insane’ Sunny Hostin Mocked for Suggesting Climate Change Behind Solar Eclipse, Earthquakes
05:06 – Solar community
10:22 – The wind farms are useless, says Duke of Edinburgh
11:15 – Oil well
15:12 – UN climate chief presses for faster action, Says humans have two years left ‘to save the world’
21:42 – Jeans and yoga pants are now terrible for the environment
24:14 – Pollution? what is the carbon footprint of your yoga pants
25:27 – Cows and climate change
28:44 – Germany has been industrialized by the energy policies
30:57 – Methane
32:24 – Clip from the lady of Atlanta for EV chargers
35:09 – Climate activist group
38:16 – Act on climate change
41:11 – Earth Day
44:27 – The eclipse last week
The Podcast Hosts for The Energy Realities
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The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino
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Energy Transition Weekly Conversation
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Transition Insanity – You can not buy this kind of enertainment!
David Blackmon [00:00:09] Well, that’s just so snazzy, Stu. I just don’t know what to think about it. We are in very high tech here at the Energy Realities podcast today. Welcome, everyone, and welcome to my Co-panelists, Tammy Nemeth, Irina Slav, and Mr. Stu Turley, who is podcasting today from some undisclosed location, I believe, near Dallas.
Stuart Turley [00:00:34] Nope.
David Blackmon [00:00:35] Nope. Oklahoma.
Stuart Turley [00:00:36] Yes. All right. I am up in the middle of nowhere.
David Blackmon [00:00:41] All right. Well, we are today talking about, well, you know, we talk about this every week, but we’re just going to make it the full topic of discussion today. Transition insanity. Which is the most target rich environment on the face of the Earth today? We have a lot of great stories from last week to go through with you today. And, I, you know, I don’t know what else there is to say except let’s get going through the through the topics here, Stu.
Stuart Turley [00:01:10] All right.
David Blackmon [00:01:12] All right. Whose are these? These are Tammy’s, right?
Tammy Nemeth [00:01:16] Yeah. So these are mine. And, I was hoping we’d save these ones to the end, but we.
David Blackmon [00:01:21] Okay, well. Let’s save them till the end. We can maybe.
Tammy Nemeth [00:01:22] Save the end. That’d be great.
Irina Slav [00:01:24] Oh.
David Blackmon [00:01:25] Oh, this one was, Is this you Stu.
Stuart Turley [00:01:29] Know this is you.
David Blackmon [00:01:30] Oh, this is me. Okay, good. I didn’t even know I’d submitted this one, but of course I do. This is the craziest story of all week. Last week, of course, we, on Monday had was. That was just last week, right? We had the big solar eclipse. Came right over my house, took pictures of it, posted them on Facebook. So much fun for, what was it? Three minutes and 10s of daytime darkness. But it was beautiful. Was really awesome thing. And of course, the ladies who host The View are not nearly as intelligent as our co-panelists. Irina, Tammy, and, mainly Sunny Hostin. Oh, my gosh. Decided that this solar eclipse, which, you know, was set in motion and really, when the solar system formed was that 6 billion years ago, it’s been kind of an inevitability ever since that happened, was actually caused by global warming and climate change. And not just the eclipse, but she also said the recent earthquake in new Jersey, in New York, was also caused by climate change. And that is such a brain dead statement that even Whoopi Goldberg jumped in and corrected her. So.
Stuart Turley [00:02:50] I just wanna throw this in here. And we got a, breaking news here. Hang on.
Speaker 1 [00:02:55] What, maybe lead one to believe that, you know, either climate change exists. That’s more something is returning.
Speaker 2 [00:03:03] Quakes are not at the mercy of climate change. It’s underground.
Speaker 3 [00:03:08] And the eclipse, they’ve known about the eclipse coming because eclipses happen. And they actually can say when these things are going to happen, those thing.
David Blackmon [00:03:17] Go figure. They can actually say when these things are going to happen. Who knew that? Did anybody here know that?
Stuart Turley [00:03:23] You’re telling me. Yes. I had a longer clip on this, David. And they were talking about, Sonny was trying to go back into it and saying that the eclipse caused the earthquake before it even happened. I was like, what? Sorry
Irina Slav [00:03:41] Well, yeah, that’s I think that climate change causes everything.
Tammy Nemeth [00:03:44] That’s right. Yes. Everything bad?
Irina Slav [00:03:47] Yeah. As long as it’s bad, it’s all climate change.
David Blackmon [00:03:50] Yeah. Right.
Tammy Nemeth [00:03:52] you have a nice summer.
David Blackmon [00:03:53] That’s you become the funding mechanism for every study conducted at every university in the free world is if you can link whatever you’re studying to climate change, you are guaranteed to get a government grant. Okay. Yeah, that’s the funding mechanism for for all research universities in the United States and across Europe, Australia, Canada, everywhere in the Western world. So literally, climate change is going to be linked to everything going forward because there are dollars, billions of dollars at stake and relating everything to climate change.
Stuart Turley [00:04:27] And not only, governments and everything else, but funding for universities. Netflix has stepped in and I’ve been visiting with some folks on Netflix movies. And, if it does not have, in fact, Sandridge, had talked to some folks. And, if you don’t come up, if you come up with the documentary, it won’t be published on Netflix unless it says wind and solar are, great.
David Blackmon [00:05:02] All right to me.
Stuart Turley [00:05:04] All right. Yeah. Hey, David, I think you also had pilot solar community and Alberta fears potential shift to gas heating.
David Blackmon [00:05:12] I don’t think that was me.
Stuart Turley [00:05:14] Okay.
Tammy Nemeth [00:05:15] But I can comment on that one. Okay. I think it got shared around, but. So this solar community was set up about, 12 to 17 years ago. I can’t remember precisely when it was in the early 2000. And, it’s not even solar power. It’s solar heating. So they have this unique way of taking the heat from the sun with the solar panels, diverting it into some sort of underground reservoir to store heat with water or something like that. And then it uses district heating, but they also have backup natural gas heaters just in case, because it’s Alberta and it gets cold in winter. But the solar panels are already failing. And the guy who had built the community or had had was the idea behind it said, I was expecting 30 to 40 years for these panels, and they’re wearing it within 17. This isn’t right. And the manufacturer doesn’t make those panels anymore, so they can’t even get, parts or anything. And so now some of the houses have gotten off the whole district heating thing and have installed full natural gas heaters and so on. And, and so it’s just the, the typical thing where they, they have this alternative form of, of heating or energy or whatever, but it always needs the backup anyway. So why, why invest in that in the first place when you could just have the the base to begin with the backing for.
David Blackmon [00:06:47] Two, two separate systems. And you wonder why your utility bills are high.
Tammy Nemeth [00:06:51] Right. And I think yeah. Go ahead Irina.
Irina Slav [00:06:55] That what I found most interesting in this story was that they couldn’t find people to to fix the equipment because it was decades old technology. Since when is 17 years? Decades old technology?
Tammy Nemeth [00:07:12] Exactly, exactly. But it also speaks to how quickly the solar panels wear out or the wind turbines wear out, which is why Siemens Gamesa was in so much trouble, because they were wearing out so much quicker than that, than the original sort of estimates were in, I guess, in, you know, when they’re testing these things and so on. But that’s a big issue. So if you want to swap your whole grid over to these things, but they wear out, you know, in a third the time, then you’re expecting that’s that’s a huge expense. Not to mention what what it means to the reliability of the grid.
Irina Slav [00:07:55] Yeah. Look, it’s not universal. By the way, some solar panels do last more than 20 years, but you can’t. No, because it depends on things, including the weather. I mean, you have if you have dry winds, if you have dust, the storm damage the panels more quickly. You can know and you can’t overestimate their longevity and plan based on that because you can’t know. As the Alberta case grows, how long exactly they would last and the specific circumstances of where they are located.
David Blackmon [00:08:34] Yeah. I mean, we just had a big hailstorm in Texas.
Irina Slav [00:08:37] Yeah. Yeah.
David Blackmon [00:08:38] You knocked out 330 acre solar farm that had just been completed. Just went into service last year. It’s gone because you had a hail storm. Guess what? Hail breaks glass. Who could have possibly known that in advance? Right. So they’re going to have to rebuild the whole thing now. Probably cost more to rebuild it than it did to install it in the first place.
Stuart Turley [00:09:00] David, what are they going to do with all them busted up?
David Blackmon [00:09:05] They’re going to take them to the local landfill.
Irina Slav [00:09:07] What?
David Blackmon [00:09:08] Yeah, that’s I mean, there’s no regulations in Texas governing the retirement of those things or any other state in the United States, by the way, because the wind and solar people have a very strong lobby in Austin and other state capitals. And, you know, they have prevented the adoption of any strong regulations governing the retirement and disposal of their equipment.
Irina Slav [00:09:33] Why? Why do they do that? And they.
David Blackmon [00:09:36] Because they don’t want to go to the expense of having to properly retire at all. Yes. Gets to the end of its useful life. It will cost more to properly retire a windfarm than it did to build it in the first place. And so yeah, there. Definitely. I mean, if you have to properly retire and dispose not just of the turbines and the towers, but the enormous concrete bases that they have, it will cost you far more to do that than it did to build the thing in the first place. And that destroys the economics of doing any of those projects. So they have lobbied fiercely in these state capitals to prevent any regulations from coming about.
Stuart Turley [00:10:17] And, Tammy, there was a wonderful article out of the UK. The wind farms are useless, says the Duke of Edinburgh. Holy smokes, Batman. That was so cool. The, the author of this, article walked up to him and said, hi, how are you? And the Duke unloaded on him. The quote he said they are when he said they are absolutely useless, completely, relying on subsidies and an absolute disgrace. Oh, you know Duke. Yeah.
Tammy Nemeth [00:10:58] He doesn’t have that much.
Stuart Turley [00:11:00] No, I thought it was pretty cool.
David Blackmon [00:11:02] Yep.
Stuart Turley [00:11:04] Okay.
David Blackmon [00:11:04] What’s next?
Stuart Turley [00:11:05] Oh, I.
Tammy Nemeth [00:11:06] Had something, though. Like, I’m wondering, has there ever been a comparison of, say, when you have to clean up a well, an oil and gas, you know, an oil well in particular afterwards, and what the clean up costs are of, retirement of, of the wind and solar facilities because quite often the environmentalists go after, they go after the oil companies for not cleaning up their wells afterwards, and that this is a liability for governments to have to, to clean up afterwards. And I’m wondering if anyone’s done a comparison yet between that and.
Stuart Turley [00:11:43] Excellent question Tammy. And I’ll tell you, there’s two things that I’ll, I’ll mention on that. And there’s been such a long history of oil and gas wells. Yes. Orphan wells are a problem. However, in the last 20 years, they have done a much better job of incorporating the bonds and getting the orphan wells, processes, taking care of, having the reclamation for the like. The oil sands in Canada is phenomenal. That Canada does a great job on cleaning that up. Everybody says, oh, oil sands, man, you don’t even recognize a site when it’s done. You go to a wind farm, the or a solar farm. They are. The reclamation costs are given to the land landowner and then oil and gas. Deals flip hands so many times between operators that after and David can correct me, as he normally does. Is that.
David Blackmon [00:12:50] No. You’re absolutely right.
Stuart Turley [00:12:52] And and so, you know, when you sit back and kind of go, wait a minute, it’s flip tannen’s reclamation costs are actually embedded in a fee. Watched now by in Texas by the, Texas, Railroad Commission. And they are doing a better job, but you’re almost at $500,000 just to remove the steel and cement. That doesn’t include hauling the wind blades off doesn’t include anything else. And it’s the landowners, Tammy, that get to deal with that. Yeah. And that reclamation cost is not included. And then when you go back into it, the wind farms don’t last 30 years. The wind farms barely last eight. And then when you go back through it, it’s it’s this big. Okay. I’m going to shut up.
David Blackmon [00:13:42] And the same thing is going to happen with wind. Maybe not solar so much, but with wind you’re going to have the same cycle of the big and original developer. As soon as it pays out, they’re going to look to sell it to a smaller operating company, and it will continue to change hands until it’s completely useless. And, you know, if there’s no requirement for any of that stuff to be taken down and hauled away, it’s just going to stand there and rot because landowners are not going to be able to pay to do that, right? So I mean, that’s what’s going to happen unless the states start enacting proper regulations like they’ve always done with oil and gas development. All right. Let’s see here the slides aren’t changing. Thank you Peter. we’re going to change the slides. Here we go. Whose are these? No, I mean, that’s a good point because.
Stuart Turley [00:14:35] This is a I think this is a continuation on on the email trails getting ready for today. And this was a continuation of the, science, affiliate attempt to link New York area earthquake to climate change. And they were trying to say that the earthquake that happened before the, eclipse was climate change. I mean, again, you cannot buy this kind of entertainment.
David Blackmon [00:15:03] All right. And, okay, here we go. Rainbows are climate change, too. But anyway, this gets to one I wanted to talk about it, which is the UN’s climate chief pressing for faster action. Says humans have two years left to save the world. Now, we’ve been treated over the past 40 years to a variety of predictions about how long the Earth has to act collectively. Of course, it’s always a collective. It’s always under a one world government structure that we all have to act the same way, to do the same things, to cure climate change. And, you know, beginning in the 1990s, we supposedly had five years or ten years or seven years or 12 years, depending on whether you were listening to al Gore or Ted Danson or Barbara Streisand to get your climate science. That was who was telling you how long we have. Well, now, the UN’s climate chief, whose name I’m going to forget Steve something. Steve, I think, decided last week that we really only have two years. Okay, everybody. Greta, Greta Thunberg and and everybody’s been overly optimistic. Now, we really only have two years to do all this. Why do we only have two years? Because we’re having elections all over Europe in the free war over this year. And he’s tried to influence the outcome of elections by ramping up the climate alarm once again, literally. That’s why he made this speech, to try to ramp up fear in everybody’s minds about, well, we have to keep, Ursula von der Leyen’s in power at the EU and Joe Biden in power in the United States, and Justin Trudeau has to remain in power in Canada because it’s more urgent than we thought. Now we only have two years. And, you know, in three years in 2027, he’s going to tell us we only have five years because the elections are over. And oh, well, you know, we miscalculated. We have more time now. And that’s just how this all goes. You know, this is this is the UN in action.
Irina Slav [00:17:10] Yeah. He’s he’s trying to drum up support for the current rules and decision makers in the West. But don’t you think, guys, that he’s going to achieve the completely opposite effect? Sure. Because people are already sick and tired of the transition. There was a recent poll by Ipsos, I think in the US. And climate change is not the top concern of people. The economy is the top concern of people. Amazingly, shockingly, I am not happy if you continue harping on about climate change and, you know, not just the the alarm, the green. People are just going to look the other way deliberately and, you know, shut their ears of not to hear it.
David Blackmon [00:17:59] There’s a fairy tale about that, right? The little boy who cried wolf.
Irina Slav [00:18:04] Yeah, yeah.
Tammy Nemeth [00:18:05] Chicken little.
David Blackmon [00:18:07] Chicken Little right in the middle.
Tammy Nemeth [00:18:12] So what I thought was interesting. And his name is Simon Steele.
David Blackmon [00:18:17] Steele? Yes.
Tammy Nemeth [00:18:18] Steele. And what I thought was so interesting is that he’ll say this two years, and then next year after the election, like you said, they’ll revise it and say, look, our policies have actually bought us more time so we can revise our estimate because you, we’ve all, you know, done our part with the with the EU Green Deal and the the American Green New Deal and so on that we bought more time. And I think that’s what’s David, you’re so right to point that out. That’s how they how they roll. And they keep changing these forward estimates.
Irina Slav [00:18:54] And they would never say we miscalculated. No, no, never, ever say that’s miscalculating. But they never admit to it. And they do admit that they’re falling short of their own targets. And I think that’s also part of the reason for this unbelievable speech. When I read the transcript, it was really, really entertaining, that there was also the question of finance draining out of the transition instead of, you know, flowing in more of it.
David Blackmon [00:19:29] And you wonder what I wonder. You know, he delivered that speech at, Chatham House. Which is the big British think tank. It’s affiliated with one of the universities. Right, Tammy? Is it Oxford or Cambridge or.
Tammy Nemeth [00:19:44] No, I.
David Blackmon [00:19:45] Am right about that.
Tammy Nemeth [00:19:46] I think it’s just independent.
David Blackmon [00:19:48] Okay. But, you know, I mean, these are people in the room who are educated people. They’re supposedly intelligent people. And otherwise they wouldn’t be part of Chatham House, right? How do how do the people in the room react to nonsense like this? You know, they just sit there and applaud politely. I I’d have a hard time just sitting there and listening to that and and reacting politely to it, I think. But I’m not an intelligent, educated person. So let’s go to I think.
Tammy Nemeth [00:20:27] Well, I think the problem is, like you mentioned earlier, that if you want to get ahead anywhere in politics, in the in the political, administrative field or academia, you have to buy into this or at least pay lip service to it. And you can appear to be smirking or scoffing at any of these pronouncements. It’s, you know, a case of the emperor wears the emperor’s new clothes, right? So it’s like we’re we’re using all these fairy tales to to describe what’s happening with the energy transition. And because there’s no reality there, it’s this bizarre kind of fairy tale world where they can often make these projections and whatnot, and everybody has to nod along. Otherwise they will be, deplatformed cut off from funding, cut off from their professional development and so on. And and. Yeah. And ambition. So this is kind of where we’re, where we’re at these days.
David Blackmon [00:21:27] Okay, so kudos to whichever one of you, found that, over the rainbow deal. That’s hilarious. All right, next we have.
Stuart Turley [00:21:39] I don’t even know where to go on. I just love.
Irina Slav [00:21:41] This.
David Blackmon [00:21:42] Your jeans and your yoga pants are now terrible for the environment, folks, because, of course they are.
Stuart Turley [00:21:50] My yoga pants would be bad for the environment because everybody would be throwing up and having more methane going out than a cow. Nobody would buy me going in and yoga pants. Holy smokes.
David Blackmon [00:22:03] Does anyone here do yoga? I tried for about six months till I pulled a muscle. Pull over.
Stuart Turley [00:22:11] Okay. I don’t get that one.
David Blackmon [00:22:17] But anyway, you know, so you can’t wear blue jeans anymore because the cotton farming is bad for the environment. Yoga pants, I guess. Maybe because they contain some so many, fabrics, you know, that are derived from petroleum products.
Irina Slav [00:22:33] Like.
David Blackmon [00:22:33] Elastic.
Irina Slav [00:22:35] So you can go natural, organic, like cotton, and you can go synthetic. What do you do?
David Blackmon [00:22:42] What are you going to do? I don’t even know. I mean, there’s some levers.
Irina Slav [00:22:46] Yeah. Should we grow back our hair?
Stuart Turley [00:22:52] hey hey hey. You know, I’m a little. All right. You just asked for that one. Hang on here. Sick. Hang on. This is what I think of hair. Okay, this is Nathan Hammer. He says, go ahead and bring that back up. All right.
David Blackmon [00:23:07] For the love of fossil fuels, please quit calling this an energy transition. We want to make this a successful thing. It’s an energy edition. Well, yes. That’s right.
Irina Slav [00:23:15] Yeah, we know when you transition. Well, I mentioned transition.
Tammy Nemeth [00:23:20] I’m sorry.
Stuart Turley [00:23:21] Oh. Oh, no, it’s not a transition. You know, it’s without nuclear energy.
Irina Slav [00:23:27] They’re trying to enforce the transition.
Stuart Turley [00:23:29] Okay, Irina, I’m going to segue into, this is what I think of reality when you’re talking about, seeing somebody else in the climate change. Okay. Hey, it’s this one. Sorry. Here we go. That is two climate activists going by each other going, hey.
David Blackmon [00:24:02] Sorry, looks like a skit from the old Benny Hill show.
Stuart Turley [00:24:05] Yeah.
Irina Slav [00:24:06] Yeah.
David Blackmon [00:24:07] Okay. Hey. Paging myself.
Stuart Turley [00:24:08] Captain.
David Blackmon [00:24:09] Captain pants, how you doing, man?
Stuart Turley [00:24:11] All right.
Tammy Nemeth [00:24:13] If I can comment on the yoga pant one. So Lululemon, which is, like, the biggest company that that people know about yoga pants and whatnot, they have been a target and buy Canadian from Canadian environmental groups probably for about two years now. We’re they’re they’re just relentless. They go in front of the, the stores and do you know, their PR stunts and so on. They lobby the governments. They pressure the the the investors and whatnot at the corporate board meetings, just like they do the banks. And I kept thinking, why? Why do they hate Lululemon so much? But I’m waiting for them to go after North Face or any of these other big companies that that utilize products that utilize petroleum products.
David Blackmon [00:25:00] Go after North Face. That makes me proud, actually, because, last week was my granddaughter Sydney’s birthday. She’s 11 years old now, and my wife and daughter took her shopping yesterday for her birthday. And where did they go? Lululemon. Deal with it. Okay.
Stuart Turley [00:25:18] What did you get, David?
David Blackmon [00:25:19] I didn’t get it. I know okay. They don’t make yoga pants my size, but okay. They see, cows and climate change. Oh, this is a good one.
Stuart Turley [00:25:30] You gotta love this one. I mean, if, for her, this is a.
David Blackmon [00:25:33] Real thing, by the.
Stuart Turley [00:25:34] Way. It is. The article was absolutely a hoot. It was out of a university, and I have it over here. It was. Absolutely. And there it is. Cows and climate change from UC Davis. And when you look at the picture for our podcast listeners, the Cal is sitting there and he’s got a a tank around his head with breathing apparatus. And around there, you can’t buy this kind of entertainment. There’s a bunch of hoses coming around in there. They’re on the wrong end of the cow. I mean, what are you doing here.
David Blackmon [00:26:11] And there on the right? And because really, most of, what cows, emit into the atmosphere is in the form of belches from their, you know, stomachs, five stomachs. Hey.
Stuart Turley [00:26:22] Anybody else? What?
Irina Slav [00:26:23] Animal cruelty.
Stuart Turley [00:26:25] Has anybody else on this panel worked in a dairy farm?
Irina Slav [00:26:29] No.
Stuart Turley [00:26:30] Okay.
David Blackmon [00:26:31] I have think I.
Stuart Turley [00:26:32] Have shoveled what comes out the other end. I have where the methane is.
David Blackmon [00:26:37] I’ve done that. Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:26:38] Okay. So, you know, I’m sorry. You know. And Irina, what is moo moo moo moo moo mean at 4 a.m. that that is a herd of, cows coming in to be milk. They are not a happy group of people unless they’re milked regularly.
Irina Slav [00:26:55] Yeah, yeah, I can imagine that. But what we see here is animal cruelty. Yes. Oh, that should be animal rights activists. Yeah.
David Blackmon [00:27:03] And I want every American taxpayer to understand that your Environmental Protection Agency, back around 2008, 2009, spent millions of dollars, millions of dollars on studies related to this contraction right here. Oh, wow.
Irina Slav [00:27:21] Just. Okay, so.
Tammy Nemeth [00:27:24] So I’m going to be super controversial here.
Stuart Turley [00:27:27] Cool.
Tammy Nemeth [00:27:28] And, I’m going to say methane is not a problem.
David Blackmon [00:27:32] Oh, yeah. You’re preaching to the choir. To me.
Tammy Nemeth [00:27:39] It’s just it’s ridiculous to have to go do all this for cattle and for the. You know, if the oil and gas industry wants to try and prevent flaring and whatnot in order to conserve resources, which I agree with. I don’t think you should be wasting it. But to do it because ostensibly it’s affecting the climate or whatever. I don’t think it’s a climate issue, especially how much methane there is in the atmosphere, how much we put in there and how long it lasts. I mean, it’s just like, what what William Harper said and William, Van Weingarten said it’s really a rounding error with respect to climate change.
Irina Slav [00:28:16] Oh, yeah.
David Blackmon [00:28:17] Carbon dioxide.
Irina Slav [00:28:19] How do you make cattle more sustainable? Cattle are sustainable. They’re exactly. They are natural. They fertilize the soil.
Stuart Turley [00:28:31] I love me a good cow.
Irina Slav [00:28:32] Really?
Stuart Turley [00:28:35] You know, anyway, the one thing that is a consistent is we’re having fun. We’ve got a bunch more videos coming up in here is that Germany has been industrialized by the energy policies. And the one thing I wanted to bring this really happy celebratory day down a little bit is that the U.S. is having the same thing. You cannot print, money and not have inflation. Sorry. You know, I didn’t mean to be an economist here for about 2.5 seconds. Germany is also going through this. And in higher energy costs, the moment you add renew, transition renewables, they’re not renewable. There’s an energy live put out in Britain, tenants energy bills match extra month’s rent. News research reveals that tenants annual energy bills now match an additional month’s rent, reaching a seven year high of a thousand.
David Blackmon [00:29:40] Just the incremental increase in their.
Stuart Turley [00:29:42] Utility. That is correct. And just shy of the average monthly rent in Britain. I mean, wherever you have renewables, you have higher costs. Unbelievable. Yeah. Arbor day is lesson today. Make. Make like a tree. Embrace carbon dioxide and leave carbon dioxide sequestration alone.
David Blackmon [00:30:06] Yeah. I mean, if you’re worried about carbon dioxide plant trees, you know, I mean, this isn’t hard.
Irina Slav [00:30:11] It’s complicated. Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:30:13] Yeah, well, I think I have a solution on the next one here. Yep. There we go. Put a cork in the cows and then, you know, they’re going to, like, rise around and then use them as balloons. It’s like kids parties. I think that this would be absolutely wonderful. And then, here’s this one. Life after the Green New Deal. I love this one. You got. You know, David and I really wish that we looked like that a hair and be manly. So, you know, and both of.
David Blackmon [00:30:45] Us guys do look like that these days. It’s kind of stylish.
Stuart Turley [00:30:48] Oh, yeah.
David Blackmon [00:30:49] A lot of Peacemakers.
Stuart Turley [00:30:50] Here’s a comment from Daryl.
David Blackmon [00:30:55] What study has been done to measure methane from human waste, and then to contrast the methane release of 30 million bison. Approximate numbers 19 1880s to today’s cattle population. What wildlife numbers were in Africa in the past versus now? Yes. Great points actually.
Irina Slav [00:31:12] Yeah.
Tammy Nemeth [00:31:13] Well, but also, if they’re really worried about methane, most of it has come from wetlands. So if wetlands are the biggest release releaser as well as hydro dams because of the water and whatnot. But now the EU wants to restore the wetlands, but we’ve taken wetlands out. So. But now we’re supposed to restore them and they contribute more methane. So we’re going to get rid of cows because we’re all supposed to eat vegetables and plants, and then we’re going to restore a bunch of wetlands and have more hydro, which will create more methane. And so I’m confused.
Irina Slav [00:31:50] Well, they’re breaking down dams, to be fair, in Europe. So that’s true. That’s true. Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:31:56] Why are they breaking down dams.
Irina Slav [00:31:58] To restore wetlands.
Tammy Nemeth [00:32:00] And rivers?
Irina Slav [00:32:01] Right. Okay.
Tammy Nemeth [00:32:03] Re nature of the rivers.
Irina Slav [00:32:05] Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:32:08] I got nothing.
David Blackmon [00:32:10] The same environmentalists who who promote wind and solar want you to tear down dams to free the rivers so that sockeye salmon don’t.
Stuart Turley [00:32:19] David. This next one is a, I think, a one minute clip in this one minute clip. This lady is in Atlanta and t this up, they, city of Atlanta put in, free chargers for EVs. Okay. Free.
David Blackmon [00:32:39] Spent $6 million doing it to.
Stuart Turley [00:32:41] I think it was something like that. And then they came through and put a bike lane in. And now you can’t get to the Chargers.
David Blackmon [00:32:49] You can’t park in front of the charger.
Tammy Nemeth [00:32:51] Therefore they’re free if you can use them.
Irina Slav [00:32:53] Yeah.
Speaker 4 [00:32:54] The city so excited to use them right. So here we are out of the car opening up my charge port. I’m parked right by a free charger. Because guess what the city of Atlanta did? Yeah. They repaved the street. And now
David Blackmon [00:33:15] Look At the barriers.
Speaker 4 [00:33:16] Nobody has access. To these chargers. What the heck?
David Blackmon [00:33:23] You can’t buy this kind of.
Speaker 4 [00:33:24] And it’s not going to reach us.
Stuart Turley [00:33:31] So.
David Blackmon [00:33:33] I don’t remember the action.
Stuart Turley [00:33:35] I think they’re related to the same folks that are doing the damage in the dams and doing the new wetlands. A thinker’s related to the guys in Atlanta.
Tammy Nemeth [00:33:49] Government planning.
Stuart Turley [00:33:51] And Daryl is on the roll here again.
David Blackmon [00:33:55] How do they intend to have pumped hydration for VR storage?
Irina Slav [00:34:00] Another very good point. Good point.
David Blackmon [00:34:03] Yeah, well, they don’t Apparently.
Stuart Turley [00:34:04] they’re not. What what brand of coffee do you have? Because I need something. He’s he’s doing great hay on some of this stuff. I think that we are seeing a and, David, I think we are seeing a, a great awakening, happening around the world in many ways. And I think that, Irina has been bringing a lot of this up in her Substack and I. Arena, your Substack is wonderful. Everybody needs to follow Irina on IrinaSlav substack.com. David Blackmon is [email protected]. I’m on energy newsbeat.co. And Tammy Nemeth is the founder of the Nemeth Report. Sorry, I just want to do a small commercial for you guys because you guys are rockstars. So, here is do you remember running man? I don’t even know what Running Man was, but this is the.
David Blackmon [00:35:02] That’s the half.
Tammy Nemeth [00:35:03] classic.
Stuart Turley [00:35:07] Here is a climate, activist group in there. They’ve got a barricade. And look at them. I’m working with.
David Blackmon [00:35:22] Last year.
Stuart Turley [00:35:23] Yeah, yeah. It was.
Tammy Nemeth [00:35:25] Burning Man. That was a moment.
David Blackmon [00:35:30] My proposal for this is we need to have a scoring system implemented. That’s where they’ve got a scoring system for the guy in that truck who ran through that barricade gets ten points for doing that. Okay. And you add up the points to your social credit score for food.
Stuart Turley [00:35:46] If we had a scoring system, let me let me show this clip because I need to ask. There’s got to be bonus points for different ways of handling this. So let’s go to this.
David Blackmon [00:35:59] oh. Yeah. Oh, yeah. This one’s this. These are 25 point nails here.
Stuart Turley [00:36:05] Okay. This is 25.
David Blackmon [00:36:06] Yeah, these are 25. Watch how they drag these.
Stuart Turley [00:36:10] Oh, these are not good. That’s not.
Stuart Turley [00:36:19] What a tackle. Yeah.
Irina Slav [00:36:22] And they’re keeping them from going back. And then you.
David Blackmon [00:36:25] Go see the cars through. That’s an extra 5.
Stuart Turley [00:36:28] 5 point car.
David Blackmon [00:36:28] For each car
Stuart Turley [00:36:30] No right for each car. You want to encourage people if you want to encourage people to your cars. Why do you want to do things like this?
David Blackmon [00:36:43] I know it’s just this driver gets a hundred points.
Stuart Turley [00:36:47] Oh,
Irina Slav [00:36:50] Gosh.
David Blackmon [00:36:52] I’m sorry folks. Get out of the way. You die. Your choice.
Stuart Turley [00:36:59] Captain Love’s Irina, right?
Irina Slav [00:37:03] No way. There’s nothing else
Stuart Turley [00:37:09] We got screams, girl. Screams are got to be some points, David. I don’t know. 000. And this one’s
Irina Slav [00:37:26] All right.
Stuart Turley [00:37:29] Now I want to know.
David Blackmon [00:37:32] This awesome.
Stuart Turley [00:37:34] Great fun. I want to know who designed the Just Stop Oil logo. All right. Did somebody have a bad drunk look in the mirror and go, this is going to be a good logo. Leave in that logo. Holy smokes. So okay, this is, let’s see which one.
Irina Slav [00:37:56] This is the existential nature of the climate change threat.
David Blackmon [00:38:00] Yes. Existential. Yes.
Tammy Nemeth [00:38:02] Well, and you have to remember that the courts are on their side, especially in the EU and UK. So like the recent court ruling in Switzerland that basically said governments have to have to act on climate change or else.
Stuart Turley [00:38:17] So manure cannons. Darrell. Yeah. For our podcast, listeners.
David Blackmon [00:38:22] Will use their position in Germany to.
Stuart Turley [00:38:26] Have you.
Tammy Nemeth [00:38:26] And France.
Stuart Turley [00:38:27] Farmers using manure cannons. You can’t buy that kind of entertainment. I mean, I grew up, hitting my brother and everybody else with potato cannons and missiles out of tire pumps and machetes and stuff. Got to get me a, a, Canada a.
David Blackmon [00:38:47] We need a point system for that, too.
Stuart Turley [00:38:49] Oh, yeah. Absolutely. So here’s one. This one is a little different. David and Irene and Tammy. When I set this one up, I found some stockers that were actually stocking the, Just Stop Oil folks, and that was pretty fun. Darryl is asking another one that I was wanting. Who funds that? Just Stop Oil, if anybody knows of all the folks that are listening.
David Blackmon [00:39:18] I can name some usual suspects like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Goody Foundation, the M nation, Hinds Foundation. Bill gates, George shine. That’s where you probably find it all.
Stuart Turley [00:39:30] That’d be lurch, wouldn’t it? Yeah.
Tammy Nemeth [00:39:32] The climate emergency fund. Eileen. Getting ready. There was another guy who was funding it, but now he’s pulled his funding because he’s giving it all to the Labor Party for the election this year in the UK.
Irina Slav [00:39:44] So was that the guy with the climate education program or whatever, Vance or Vince?
Tammy Nemeth [00:39:51] Yes. Yeah.
Irina Slav [00:39:53] I think it was money out of Extinction Rebellion. Oh, just so apparently.
Tammy Nemeth [00:39:58] Well, yeah, apparently, because he said he wants to make sure that labor gets in.
Irina Slav [00:40:03] Why he doesn’t.
David Blackmon [00:40:05] It seems that’s that’s a foregone conclusion at this point.
Tammy Nemeth [00:40:09] They probably have have pulled in money from other, other sources. I’m guessing so.
David Blackmon [00:40:17] Well.
Stuart Turley [00:40:19] Here’s one. And this guy was funny. He’s got a sign in Polish. I don’t know what it is. So if somebody reads Poland Polish.
Speaker 5 [00:40:29] With us. Just lick my sock. It’s just stop oil and polish. Just stop that oil. Stop! You saved the world, and you’ve hurt him. That’s cool. Man, I’ve got a chug jug.
Speaker 6 [00:40:40] I’m sure your mother was so, so proud of you.
Speaker 5 [00:40:42] Yes, my sons and daughters.
Stuart Turley [00:40:45] So what does he say? Some swear I had to bleep that out here, but, these guys were heckling Just Stop Oil. And so it was actually pretty fun. So, you got to love it when some heckling group is heckling a heckling group. Who’s the heckler?
David Blackmon [00:41:08] Arbor Day is 12 days away. Is that the same as Earth Day? Yeah, Arbor day is Earth Day. They’re the same.
Tammy Nemeth [00:41:15] I don’t think so.
Irina Slav [00:41:16] I don’t know why we. So this common.
David Blackmon [00:41:19] Earth Day is 12 days away, right? Yeah.
Tammy Nemeth [00:41:23] Birthday’s next Monday.
David Blackmon [00:41:25] Yeah. Oh, it’s next Monday, right? The 22nd. Okay. Day is is the 27th. Okay. All right. Gotcha. Sorry.
Stuart Turley [00:41:34] Earth day.org.
David Blackmon [00:41:41] Let me think here. The.
Stuart Turley [00:41:43] First day for me, I just smell a cow and think of Earth. I’ve been absolutely, burying and redoing a whole garden. I have had therapy reclaiming some of my land, and I am so buggered up. I’m holding up, a vine got, you know, the flying one. Well, no, I won because I got the vine out of there, but, you know, let’s see, tomatoes and, you know, potatoes and everything that you can possibly grow. I’m having a lot of fun. You know. How much in green do I have to put in the ground to make up for my Ford? 350. I, a lot of stuff I got to grow.
David Blackmon [00:42:31] You know?
Irina Slav [00:42:32] But, you know, they found out that, you know, how much you gardening of the soil that you and I, do? Yeah. It actually has a higher carbon footprint. So we’re, in fact, contributing to the problem for them. Help me solve it.
Stuart Turley [00:42:49] Irina, I think you and I are the only sane ones out there on on that.
Irina Slav [00:42:54] What about David and Tammy?
Stuart Turley [00:42:56] Well, I know.
David Blackmon [00:42:56] They’re totally insane.
Stuart Turley [00:42:58] Yeah, I no, David. David and I are in the same insane boat. No.
David Blackmon [00:43:03] So either way, the, next Monday is Earth Day. Okay. And the founder of Earth Day, our Einhorn, was a murderer who killed his wife and composted her. So he was an environmentally conscious murderer?
Irina Slav [00:43:20] Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:43:21] Are you kidding me?
Irina Slav [00:43:22] You look very similar. Yeah, yeah.
David Blackmon [00:43:25] Yeah, just just, go Google it. You know, NBC did a big story about it.
Irina Slav [00:43:30] doesn’t really make good compost, though, is it?
David Blackmon [00:43:34] I don’t know, that’s what he did with, Arbor Day. Is the 26 okay. It’s 11 days away. Well, good. It gives us time. We got time to go to Home Depot, buy some seeds. Planetary.
Stuart Turley [00:43:48] I did get some trees and I’ve got another like eight that I’m planning and then I have more. So I am trying to build, you know.
David Blackmon [00:44:01] Okay. So where next? What do we got next?
Stuart Turley [00:44:05] We went through.
David Blackmon [00:44:05] The.
Stuart Turley [00:44:06] Videos that we have.
David Blackmon [00:44:09] Well, I guess maybe we’re done.
Stuart Turley [00:44:12] All right.
David Blackmon [00:44:13] We’re 44 minutes in. I think it’s. That’s good. That’s a good show.
Stuart Turley [00:44:16] I think you guys are great.
Irina Slav [00:44:19] Next week.
Tammy Nemeth [00:44:21] We. Can I throw one in here? I forgot, I forgot. So after the, the eclipse last week, we had Representative Sheila Jackson Lee who said that the moon is made of gases. And the. Moon is a planet.
David Blackmon [00:44:40] It’s a I was so.
Tammy Nemeth [00:44:42] Excited because.
Irina Slav [00:44:43] It was just one day for a while.
David Blackmon [00:44:46] And the sun, by the way, is powerful hot. Okay, folks, and you almost can’t go near it. According to Sheila Jackson Lee, I wish.
Stuart Turley [00:45:00] I wish she had said something because I had that and I was going to tee it up because I found that one just in lightning.
David Blackmon [00:45:09] She was my for ten years. oh my goodness. Anyway.
Tammy Nemeth [00:45:14] Hey, but she’s got a degree from Yale.
David Blackmon [00:45:17] From Yale. Supposedly she graduated from Yale Law School. Yes. Oh, yes. Tells you the real value of an Ivy League education.
Irina Slav [00:45:26] Yeah. And it just shows how important it is to to study science while you can.
Stuart Turley [00:45:36] you mean science matters Irina.
Irina Slav [00:45:41] I know it’s it’s a it’s a shocking idea, but I mean, based on what we’ve talked about today, you know, climate from flights and eclipses and then, you know.
David Blackmon [00:45:57] Maybe the sun was caused by global warming here, or thought that. Anybody ever thought about that? Maybe it’s not because of global warming.
Irina Slav [00:46:09] Think about it. We’re giving them ideas. David.
Tammy Nemeth [00:46:11] Yeah, yeah. David, don’t give him ideas.
Irina Slav [00:46:14] We’ll give him ideas. Really?
David Blackmon [00:46:17] I learned that at Yale.
Tammy Nemeth [00:46:21] Oh, hey, you know, you could apply for a grant to research that.
Irina Slav [00:46:25] Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that’s it. Yeah, yeah.
David Blackmon [00:46:29] And the full moon is around ball made up mostly of gas. So humans really have a hard time living on it. Okay. I’m done with the Sheila Jackson.
Stuart Turley [00:46:40] Why
David Blackmon [00:46:42] I? Anyway? We better go before I get myself in trouble. I think that’s all for this week. Next week is Earth Day, next Monday is Earth Day, and I’m sure we will have all sorts of great information related to Earth Day, so please tune in.
Irina Slav [00:46:58] We’ll celebrate Good day appropriately.
Tammy Nemeth [00:47:01] With all our lights on.
David Blackmon [00:47:04] And they’re all posted with the perfect end to the episode. The on the side you pay for exactly that is. That is the entire principle of our climate and energy policy today, folks. With that, we’re going to call it good bye. Y’all. Have a great week.
Tammy Nemeth [00:47:21] Bye.
Irina Slav [00:47:24] See ya, Bye bye.
David Blackmon [00:47:25] Bye Stu.
Tammy Nemeth [00:47:27] Bye Stu, Bye David, Bye Irina
David Blackmon [00:47:31] Bye Tammy, Bye Irina.
Tammy Nemeth [00:47:31] Bye everyone.
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