January 8

ENERGY TRANSITION EPISODE 93 -Filmed Live On YouTube on January 8, 2024


Highlights of the podcast:

01:25 – The Financial Times
02:21 – The science was settled on climate change
04:05 – The price is a decline in industrial output in industrial activity
05:42 – The attack is on all cars.
07:14 – 8000 projects trying to attach to the grid
08:23 – The US employment reports overstated 39,000 jobs in 2023
09:55 – The US Treasury
14:42 – The drop in Germany’s industrial production and their emissions and electricity consumption.
16:13 – Increasing the prices and costs to ratepayers.
19:00 – The EVs are incapable of providing the change in the energy transition.
19:37 – The microchip problem is going to be accentuated.
21:27 – The American petrochemical industry
24:57 – The World Grid
25:40 – The direct subsidies
26:25 – The Institute for Energy Research did a thing about federal energy subsidies for fiscal year 2022
27:54 –  The subsidies that go to the renewable industry
30:35 –  The UK is doing with offshore wind
34:05 –  Governments use green subsidies for one or more following purposes.
36:03 –  The United States with respect to energy have to do with the low income assistance.
42:24 – The farmers protesting
44:40 – The hydrogen corridor
45:53 – The UK wants to mix it in with the regular natural gas
46:28 – World Economic Forum announced that they’re now going to have a worldwide water shortage
48:41 – The fed will not be able to control inflation

The Podcast Hosts for The Energy Transition

Armando Cavanha
Energy Thought Leader, Podcast Host, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
Irina Slav
International Author writing about energy, mining, and geopolitical issues. Bulgaria
David Blackmon
Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.
Tammy Nemeth
Energy Consulting Specialist
Syed Muhammad Osama Rizvi
Energy Analyst | Economic and Geopolitical Analyst | ExFounder U&I Global | Consultant, Advisor | Commonwealth Scholar
Stuart Turley
President, and CEO, Sandstone Group, Podcast Host

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Armando Cavanha, David Blackmon, Energy Transition Weekly Conversation, Irina Slav, Stu Turley, tammy Nemeth

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