April 22

Earth Day Celebration – With the International Energy Realities Podcast


The Podcast Hosts for The Energy Realities

Irina Slav
International Author writing about energy, mining, and geopolitical issues. Bulgaria
David Blackmon
Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.
Tammy Nemeth
Energy Consulting Specialist
Stuart Turley
President, and CEO, Sandstone Group, Podcast Host

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Earth Day Celebration – With the International Energy Realities Podcast


Stuart Turley [00:00:11] We’re here.


David Blackmon [00:00:11] All right, I love that.


Irina Slav [00:00:13] Well. Good morning everybody, and good afternoon. We’re celebrating Earth Day today with David Blackmon, Tammy Nemeth, Stu Turley and me Irina Slav. And I understand that the theme of this year’s celebrations is planet versus plastic. And I see all of you surrounded by glass at the last day, seeing my eye, tamm,. And Stu and David have glass with around their eyes and around their presence. What have you got to save yourselves?


David Blackmon [00:00:50] I mean, copper.


Tammy Nemeth [00:00:54] I’ll get my hair shirt out of the closet.


David Blackmon [00:00:57] Oh, God.


Irina Slav [00:00:58] Good good, Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:00:59] Did Tammy did you say hair shirt?


David Blackmon [00:01:02] Hair shirt


Tammy Nemeth [00:01:03] Yeah. That? Yeah, the hair shirt.


David Blackmon [00:01:05] Is it Campbell’s hair? What kind of hair?


Tammy Nemeth [00:01:08] I did. Cat hair.


David Blackmon [00:01:10] Yeah, here. There you go. I got cat hair all over the place, man.


Stuart Turley [00:01:13] Yeah, I’ve got the flesh color going on my hair right now.


David Blackmon [00:01:18] There’s no plastic top. That head.


Stuart Turley [00:01:20] No long, but no. No plastic.


Tammy Nemeth [00:01:24] The plastic in ashes and sackcloth. Just wondering.


David Blackmon [00:01:28] I don’t think so, I don’t think.


Tammy Nemeth [00:01:31] Depends on what the ashes are made out of. I suppose if you’re burning the plastic, do you get plastic ashes? Just kidding.


David Blackmon [00:01:37] Yeah. I mean, if it comes from a local landfill, there’s definitely


Irina Slav [00:01:43] Yeah, but. Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:01:46] By the way, there’s, a huge UN plastics conference going on in Ottawa. I think it starts today or tomorrow, and it goes all week where they’re negotiating the international plastic treaty to ban plastic.


Irina Slav [00:02:02] Yeah. Apparently, the, Earth Day organization, whatever it is, wants to ban, 80% of all plastics by 2040. Yeah. So that’s why the same, I think, probably has relation to this UN thing. Yeah. And it’s funny because just recently I saw some, some headline that said that plastics actually have a lower carbon footprint than alternatives. And then, of course, little we were encouraged to use plastic that just saved the trees.


David Blackmon [00:02:41] Yeah. The city of Austin banned plastic, grocery bags about ten years ago. And then a few years later, the University of Texas put out a study calculating that that very thing that the, yeah, that the carbon footprint of the paper substitutes was bigger than the plastic bags themselves. So,.


Irina Slav [00:02:59] Yeah, It’s amazing.


David Blackmon [00:03:00] The answer is.


Tammy Nemeth [00:03:03] Well, it’s like with the replacement of the plastic forks and knives, you know, they they have all of these different resins to hold the bamboo together and stuff like that. And, and I’m wondering what are the long term health implications of consuming things with that.


Irina Slav [00:03:19] These resins, petrochemicals.


Tammy Nemeth [00:03:22] Well, that’s my other thing.


David Blackmon [00:03:24] I mean, what else are they gonna be?


Tammy Nemeth [00:03:28] I know.


Irina Slav [00:03:30] I don’t know, because what have you done and how how expensive will this be replacing plastics with non plastics.


David Blackmon [00:03:40] See, we’re not supposed to worry about the cost. That’s that’s.


Irina Slav [00:03:43] Rubbish.


David Blackmon [00:03:44] Yeah. I mean, regardless of how much it costs, it’s worth it to save money. Kind. So we just, you know, forget about the poor people, on whom this is a major regressive tax that impacts them the most. We’re just not supposed to even talk about the cost.


Tammy Nemeth [00:04:01] Yeah.


Irina Slav [00:04:02] Yeah, because we’re going have going to have, this flourishing carbon credits market that here, we understand, has been lobbying heavily, in favor of because, you know, so much money will be going to poor nations whose only job will be to protect their environment and sell carbon credits, even though it has been proven they don’t work as well as they are supposed to if they’re working. So.


David Blackmon [00:04:30] Yeah, Well, I mean, al Gore. Oh, sorry.


Tammy Nemeth [00:04:33] No. Go ahead David.


David Blackmon [00:04:34] I’m just going to say they’ve made al Gore a fabulously wealthy human being over the last 20 years. So so we got that going for


Tammy Nemeth [00:04:43] al Gore Needs more money. Yeah. See there was an article I think it was in Forbes, a few days ago where they were talking about Guyana and how if they if we had a decent global carbon offset or carbon credit system, Guyana could get paid for keeping preserving their forests instead of drilling for oil and gas.


Irina Slav [00:05:07] That’s one of my headlines for today. Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:05:11] Oh that’s right. Maybe that’s why.


Irina Slav [00:05:12] I don’t get more money from this than it’s going to get from its oil. Oh, it’s just right.


Stuart Turley [00:05:20] I didn’t I’ve I’ve reached out to the office of the president, so that we can get him on here, and I have not. I’m deadly serious. I thought it was great. I have a copy of that interview that you’re talking about. Tammy.


David Blackmon [00:05:34] Oh. The president. Guyana? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It was wonderful. Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:05:38] Oh, no, I Biden doesn’t know he’s president still. So no, I’m talking about president of Guyana. Somebody actually had a great comeback to that interview. And I’ve got a copy of the interview. If we can’t get him, we, we we’re going to, like, have a whole discussion and bring some other African leaders in and other calm. So I already have that one teed up. Tammy. Well.


Irina Slav [00:06:01] Guyuna in South America Stu.


Stuart Turley [00:06:03] Do what?


Irina Slav [00:06:04] Guyana in South America, not Africa.


Stuart Turley [00:06:07] I knew that.


David Blackmon [00:06:08] That’s a bit picky. Point on.


Irina Slav [00:06:10] A geography I.


Stuart Turley [00:06:13] I’m lucky to be awake today.


David Blackmon [00:06:19] Hey, thank you, Tom Mumford. I’m glad you like that line I appreciate it. That’s, Bill Murray live from Caddyshack anyway.


Irina Slav [00:06:25] Yeah, well, yeah, that relationship should look after its leaders, its transition pioneers and advocates, so.


David Blackmon [00:06:35] Absolutely.


Tammy Nemeth [00:06:36] Well, I. Have to say that Mark Carney was talking about this idea of paying for basically other countries preserving their nature. Back in, I think it was 2020, in the fall of 2020. And, and his argument was that Western countries who have done the most contributions, supposedly for climate change, it’s only fair that we redistribute the wealth to. With the developing nations so that they get some sort of reward, I guess, for preserving their nature.


Irina Slav [00:07:10] Being poor to poorer, to exploiters. Right. Yes. Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:07:15] It’s another way to to look.


Irina Slav [00:07:16] At it like slavery, reparations. I mean, it’s about. Ten or more generations between then and now. But sure, let’s have reparations.


David Blackmon [00:07:33] Okay.


Tammy Nemeth [00:07:35] Okay. Okay.


Irina Slav [00:07:37] Are we going to discuss headlines.


David Blackmon [00:07:39] Yeah, I think I think you’re. To this Earth day, we’ve got a lot of different .


Irina Slav [00:07:44] plastics. I’ll go. Then. Let’s go to the headlines.


Stuart Turley [00:07:48] Here we go. I’m over here. Let’s add to the stage. Get some beautiful looking people here. Except one. Need some hair work there. Okay, here we go.


Irina Slav [00:07:59] Yeah, yeah. So that’s the the the article Tommy was talking about which countries are suited to oil drill during a climate emergency. Now, the author of this text is, apparently engaged in some coalition of, poor countries, small, I think, mostly coastal island nations who want to do business with carbon, credit traders. You know, I guess it will be an alternative to tourism when, they go underwater or to avoid going underwater because of the climate emergency. But this also was arguing that Guyana could make more money from selling carbon offsets or carbon credits than it would make from its oil, and I found this really questionable. Because there is already demand for oil, and Guyana is taking advantage of that. But the demand for these carbon credits apparently still needs to be artificially boosted because of all these investigations that are showing that they don’t work. I mean, companies. So it would flourish there the green credentials because divine credit. A credits carbon credits. See? I’m green. This is offsetting my emissions. But it turns out they’re not. These credits are not offsetting their emissions. Yeah. Although I looked at some projects that were supposed to sink the carbon, you know, maintaining carbon sinks in this country or that, but it’s not happening. Apparently trees can only absorb this much carbon dioxide over a period of time. But, I don’t know if you remember, there was a scandal. The the science based targets initiative. And it continues now with the revelation that Kerry was behind this push to make the initiative allow for carbon credits to expanded. And the employees revolted because they were against it, because they said, accurately, that this will only allow emitters to continue emitting. So once again, it’s not so much about the emissions. It’s more about, you know, eliminating them in any way possible, through any means possible just to, to to stop them. You kind of said them. You should stop them. Yeah, exactly. All. Even if carbon credits work.


Tammy Nemeth [00:10:57] Same thing with carbon capture. So if carbon capture works, then they still would want it banned. You know.


Irina Slav [00:11:05] It goes because it allows the old gas industry to continue existing.


Tammy Nemeth [00:11:09] Exactly. And I’ve heard that argument being made in precisely that way by environmental groups testifying to different, Canadian and UK committees and stuff. So they’re open. The environmental groups are open that they just want the end of using fossil fuels, even if it’s possible to, offset get to net zero. They don’t want net zero. They want absolute zero zero.


Irina Slav [00:11:37] Yes. Only that the fairest thing in the UK. They’re big fans of, absolute zero.


Tammy Nemeth [00:11:45] Absolutely.


Irina Slav [00:11:46] You know. Simply by commenting on David Slade. This is called the not zero. And I love this,


David Blackmon [00:11:59] Not zero. Yeah.


Irina Slav [00:12:00] Not zero.


Tammy Nemeth [00:12:01] Not zero people. Yeah


David Blackmon [00:12:02] You know what the carbon credit scheme really is is, is a wealth redistribution scheme one. But it’s also a scheme that enables billionaires like, like Bill gates to brag, as he did in a recent interview, that he offsets all of his world travel on his private jet and his ownership. I don’t know how many gigantic homes with enormous carbon footprints by buying carbon credits. So he justifies his lifestyle, and Leonardo DiCaprio does the same thing. He owns a 417 foot long yacht. That’s as long as the football stadium the Dallas Cowboys play in. It’s as big as an ocean liner, basically. But he brags that he. Well, he offsets all that by buying carbon credits. So it’s a it’s a scam that enables these billionaires and ultra wealthy people to justify their, their lifestyles in their own minds, to avoid feeling quite as guilty as they should feel about how they live. But it’s also a massive redistribution of wealth scheme and, and and that’s really all it amounts to. I mean, most of the carbon credits that, that are approved are just complete scams, as you all have said, that don’t really do anything to reduce carbon. The one concrete idea that probably does take carbon out of the atmosphere is carbon capture and storage. And even that, you know, as opposed by the environmental groups, because, as you said, it has the the impact of probably prolonging the remaining life, of the oil and gas industry. And they’re completely opposed to that. So it’s just all this enormous complex of scams.


Irina Slav [00:13:47] Yeah. That’s right. Inclusion of wealth. Well, not sorry. Just very quickly. It will not go to the poor people.


David Blackmon [00:13:53] No, of course not.


Irina Slav [00:13:55] The money will not be redistributed to the people who needs it. You need it. It will just end up in the pockets of another billionaire regardless, right? Yeah, yeah.


David Blackmon [00:14:04] Or corrupt or corrupt? The leader of a country.


Irina Slav [00:14:08] Even if they’re not corrupt, they will become corrupt.


Tammy Nemeth [00:14:10] Right? I don’t think Jasper would get any money from that.


Irina Slav [00:14:14] No you won’t. Neither will his neighbors, who are just getting connected to the grid. Thanks. And he’s his friends?


Tammy Nemeth [00:14:23] Yeah. I wanted to make a comment about the trees because, I ran a. You made the point about they. They’re now realizing that trees don’t hold as much carbon as they thought or whatever. And it turns out, I, I read a couple studies a few months ago where they were talking about the older trees don’t use as much carbon dioxide for energy production and food or whatever that like young trees do. Yeah. And so what I found so ironic is that in Canada, there’s this movement to preserve old growth forests. So the old growth forests, which don’t, capture as much CO2 to use for growing, anymore because, you know, they’re old, they’re in there and, and they don’t need to grow so much or whatever. You know, they’re trying to preserve these old forests. They’re against people planting new forests. But it’s actually the young trees that’s that taken the most CO2. And it just seemed typical, of this attitude where, there’s if you wanted to use trees to capture CO2, you would need to plant lots of young trees. But they don’t want to do that. They want to preserve all the old.


Irina Slav [00:15:35] Giving the dangerous idea, because I just pictured governments deciding that they need to take down all the old trees and plant new ones.


David Blackmon [00:15:44] That’s called logging.


Tammy Nemeth [00:15:46] Yes, you’re right.


Irina Slav [00:15:47] How I did not want to see this happening.


Tammy Nemeth [00:15:50] Well, I mean some old trees, you know, they they get barely surviving and they get a lot of rot. And stuff like that.


Irina Slav [00:15:58]  Yeah, but decimating forest just because they’re old and you need to plant new trees and imagine how much energy this would take.


Tammy Nemeth [00:16:08] And who would be deciding. And who would?


David Blackmon [00:16:12] The worst people possible would be deciding it right now.


Irina Slav [00:16:16] Yes, it is possible.


Tammy Nemeth [00:16:18] I guess it’s kind of like that really old forest in Germany by the The Sleeping Beauty castle on the, Fairy Tale road. They’re destroying the forest to build wind turbines.


Irina Slav [00:16:32] They should go to hell for that. Not that they should. They are destroying nature anyway. But that’s the focus, isn’t it? And this is happening while we’re being so green. And why, as this gentleman on in the Forbes article says, why drill for oil when you can trade carbon credits your very own president, wants or may have to. Top the Strategic Petroleum Reserve once again to bring oil prices down for some reason. And how is this going to happen when the spill is already about empty? They haven’t returned a whole lot of oil in it.


Stuart Turley [00:17:26] It’s despicable. It’s traitorous.


Irina Slav [00:17:30] They haven’t said it officially. Okay. This is. This is just prediction by my query.


Stuart Turley [00:17:35] But you’re asking my opinion. Traitorous in stupidity. Sorry.


David Blackmon [00:17:40] Yes. That’s true.


Stuart Turley [00:17:41] Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:17:42] Yeah. You know, it’s, it’s it’s a really it’s a big conundrum for the for the administration because they depleted 40% of the reserve to try to impact the midterm elections in 2022. And, so now we’re sitting and they’ve only put 22 million barrels back in since over 18 months. They missed a prime opportunity to do it at reasonable prices from October through March of this year. And now the price has gone back up above 80 again. So they’re kind of beyond the price point where they want to buy more oil. But but the reality and the truth is that this administration never had any intention of really refilling the petroleum reserve. It’s not a priority for them. They don’t think it’s important. And obviously, Jennifer Granholm doesn’t believe it’s important and need or that whoever is making decisions for Joe Biden also don’t believe it’s important. So, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if they do this, if if gas prices, you know, if the price for a gallon of regular gets above $4, we could certainly see that right now. I think it’s around 370 on average across the United States. I paid 409 for premium the other day here in Texas, somewhere among the lowest priced states. So yeah, it’s, I mean, there’s there’s no limit to the mendacity this administration will resort to, to impact this election. So.


Tammy Nemeth [00:19:08] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:19:11] Well, the sad part about this is, is the salt domes and the entire infrastructure that is being used as our strategic, oil reserve, infrastructure is being destroyed by letting it sit there for that long. You it’s not designed to pull it out and then, oh, you know, it’s being destroyed and it’s not going to be able to be replaced.


Tammy Nemeth [00:19:37] That’s a good point Stu.


David Blackmon [00:19:39] You can’t rebuild a salt dome, can you?


Stuart Turley [00:19:42] No, it’s not like a salt block where you throw it out in the can. And that’s.


Tammy Nemeth [00:19:48] Maybe their rationale is that we’re not going to need oil. So why do we need the salt dome?


Irina Slav [00:19:52] Yeah. Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:19:55] That really is part of their thought process, believe it or not. As irrational as that sounds, that that really is.


Irina Slav [00:20:01] I did hear about gas prices, but yeah. Crisis.


David Blackmon [00:20:04] Well, only only for purely.


Tammy Nemeth [00:20:06] Election.


David Blackmon [00:20:06] Reasons.


Irina Slav [00:20:07] Yeah, yeah. So apparently they’re admitting that it’s still important. It’s very important because it will help them in the elections. Right. Supposedly. But they won’t. That’s just and they are counting on the votes of people who want to do away with oil. Yeah, but these same people will be very angry when their life becomes expensive because oil is expensive. We need your name for this sort of mental illness. It’s not just cognitive dissonance. It’s this very special.


David Blackmon [00:20:42] Well, a climate derangement syndrome, I think is great.


Irina Slav [00:20:46] Yeah, but syndrome sounds kind of mild. I don’t know.


David Blackmon [00:20:53] Climate change mania, KDM, climate derangement. Mania. I don’t know. I’ll think of something. We’ll have that for.


Stuart Turley [00:21:02] All of our listeners. To have a contact.


David Blackmon [00:21:05] Somebody.


Tammy Nemeth [00:21:05] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:21:06] Please.


Irina Slav [00:21:06] Let’s let’s name illness.


Stuart Turley [00:21:11] You know, TVs is beautiful. You know, you just mentioned TVs, and it’s almost like, you know, post-traumatic syndrome or, you know, PTSD or any of these other. Yeah. If one of our listeners could actually, you know, this would be t t shirt worthy slogan or the painting is mean or TVs. Let’s come up with something that, you know. Yeah.


Irina Slav [00:21:36] I like yes, people do weigh in.


Tammy Nemeth [00:21:39] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:21:40] Okay. Okay. Who’s next?


David Blackmon [00:21:43] Who is next? I don’t know.


Tammy Nemeth [00:21:47] That would be you.


David Blackmon [00:21:49] Is that me? That’s you. Does that? That’s me. Okay.


Tammy Nemeth [00:21:52] Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:21:53] So since we’re talking about Earth Day, I wanted to give everyone, just a very brief history lesson about, one of the one of the several founders of Earth Day back in 1970 was a fellow named IRA Einhorn. IRA Einhorn was a political activist, you know, a hippie. And, turned out he was also a murderer who killed his girlfriend and hid her in a trunk in a closet in his home for several years before he was, I guess the smell finally attracted the notice of the neighbor or something. I don’t remember the actual story, but that’s who actually founded or helped to found this particular pagan ritual we do every April 22nd. Okay, so that’s the first story. Second story is about, white House renews internal talks on invoking a climate emergency. Okay. That story appeared in Bloomberg last Thursday. This is the concept of declaring a national emergency on climate change in the United States of America, which has done more to, reduce its carbon footprint than any other country on the face of the Earth. Over the last 20 years, simply by replacing coal fired power plants with natural gas fired power plants. Okay. But but it’s still an emergency because it’s a global problem. And so, the the handlers for our president, are again considering declaring a climate emergency, which would give the president this is a wartime power. So it would give the president near dictatorial powers to, invoke all sorts of, policies negative to, the oil and gas and coal industries here in the United States. Among the things that Bloomberg reports are being considered are things like, disallowing the export of both crude oil and liquefied natural gas. By the way, most of which is being consumed and purchased by countries that are supposedly our allies and who really need those products from the United States, and also curtailing the industry’s ability to actually move oil and gas and its refined products around the country on trains and in pipelines. Now, I want to remind everyone the amazing economic crisis that resulted just a few years ago when the Colonial Pipeline, a single pipeline that distributes gasoline from Texas, carries it all along the Gulf Coast and then up the eastern seaboard, went out for less than a week. That pipeline went out of service, and the price of gasoline spiked by over a dollar a gallon in those states that rely on that single pipeline. And so now we’ve got the idiots in the white House talking about intentionally curtailing the ability to deliver that gasoline across half of the country, basically, yeah. This is a not just a bad idea. It is literally a crazy, insane idea. But again, it’s an election year. Biden’s worried about his flagging polling numbers or his handlers are worried about it. I hate to attribute any actual thought process to this particular president. Okay. It’s his his advisers. His handlers are very concerned about his plummeting polling numbers among highly impressionable young voters. They’re fleeing him in droves. And so this would be nothing more than a political stunt designed to to shore up his polling numbers among, that, bit of the electorate. So, I don’t know if they’re going to do it or not, but I think we all need to recognize that Bloomberg would not have run this story, claiming to be quoting anonymous sources in the white House if it were not actually talking to highly placed people who are part of Biden’s advisory staff in the white House. So this is a real thought process happening at the white House. And, something we should all be very, very concerned about.


Stuart Turley [00:26:20] And it is really sad from the standpoint that this may be a climate emergency as a executive order, it would be a climate emergency with teeth. Yes. It would be worse than my ex-wife. Right. And I mean, this is absolutely horrific. The Biden administration and day two, cancel was 90. Some odd different, Trump executive orders or he signs. Excuse me, he signed 90 some odd and day one and date to. Yeah. 90 executive, orders. One of those executive orders allowed the 30 at major interconnects to be installed from China. That can take out significant sections of our grid. And I’ve talked about this for several years. It is despicable, the power of the, executive order. And this would be powerful, right?


David Blackmon [00:27:26] Yeah, yeah, it would be. It would be executive orders with the power of law. Okay, if there’s a national emergency, if it’s done under a national emergency, that’s part of the powers to the presidency has. And not just this president, but under any president.


Tammy Nemeth [00:27:43] Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:27:45] So there we go.


Stuart Turley [00:27:46] All right


Tammy Nemeth [00:27:47]  well, I wonder if John Podesta is behind that one.


David Blackmon [00:27:50] Of course he is.


Tammy Nemeth [00:27:50] Climate are.


David Blackmon [00:27:51] Yes, of course he is. Absolutely. But, you know, they it’s something they considered in both 2021 and 2022 as well. And they were really probably very close to invoking it in 2022. But then, Joe Manchin caved in on the Inflation Reduction Act and passed that that terrible law into effect. And, so they backed off because they felt like the IRA was planning to get him through the first term. But I guess, you know, because the polling numbers are not great, right now for for the incumbent here in this presidential race, you know, now they’re getting very concerned and again, about the election. So, that would be one way to shore up their base anyway.


Tammy Nemeth [00:28:36] Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:28:39] And that’s all I got.


Stuart Turley [00:28:41] Okay. Let’s hear for David Blackmon.


David Blackmon [00:28:43] Yay!


Stuart Turley [00:28:46] Yay! We love David.


David Blackmon [00:28:47] Okay. Who is this? This is awesome.


Tammy Nemeth [00:28:50] Okay, so I decided to instead of news headlines, I would put some links here to two really good websites that talk about the sort of improvements and optimism, that have that have taken place since that first Earth Day all those years ago. Because Earth Day supposedly is is looking out for clean air. Clean water. You know, looking after the land properly and and all these kinds of things. And this particular slide is just about the the dramatic decline in decadal deaths from natural disasters, for an example. But if you go to human progress, environmental progress.org or human progress.org, I think that’s the other one. You can see all of the different reasons for optimism. If you look, for example, at like some of these trends here at Human progress.org, they talk about the, the improvement in air quality, for example. And it’s gone from like being up here where the air quality is quite terrible to down here. Like, I mean it’s a significant decline. The same thing with the improvement of our water quality, but the improvement of water in the in the United States, Canada and all the other Western countries has increased exponentially. Like, I mean, it’s so much better than it was in the 70s, even though Thames Water in the UK still dump sewage once in a while into the river, or the city of Montreal dumped sewage into the Saint Lawrence. Despite those things, the water quality in Western countries has increased significantly as it has actually in China. So if you look at countries that before were considered developing, there’s been massive improvements over the past 40, 50 years for air, for water, for how they look after the land. I think it was environmental progress. Has the amount of forests how that’s increased? It’s increased in the past 50 years, how there’s fewer hurricanes. There’s all of these great things that the environmentalists have said are so bad, but actually and.


Stuart Turley [00:31:07] More polar bears.


Tammy Nemeth [00:31:09] And there’s more polar bears.


David Blackmon [00:31:11] Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:31:12] You know, Susan Crawford has been amazing in tracking that information and how there’s been this, this huge increase in polar bears. They’re not dying off. So there’s been all these improvements, which then, you know, that’s the reality. And, and I wanted to kind of bring it into what is the energy reality and the environment reality on Earth Day is that actually life is much better. Yeah. The, our environment has is better now. It’s improved significantly, which then it’s like, okay, these environmental groups have achieved their objective now that.


David Blackmon [00:31:48] Yeah. And that’s that tells you their real nature. Right. Because they thrive on, conflict and fear. Yeah. And so good news is bad news to these people.


Irina Slav [00:31:58] Yeah. Because if there’s no problem, then their existence is pointless.


David Blackmon [00:32:04] Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:32:05] Right. And Patrick Moore talks about that. He he had a conversation with Jordan Peterson I think it was last week or the week before. And he talked about how they had made all these gains. And then it’s like Greenpeace because he was one of the founders of Greenpeace. And they made all these different gains within the environment was getting better. And and they were doing all these different things. He was looking at the realities of like coral and some other stuff. And, and then he’s like the movement got taken over. It got taken over by people who don’t really care about the environment, but they have another agenda. So I thought that was really fascinating for for him to point that out, that, you know, the the real environmentalist. And I would put Michael Shellenberger in this, in that kind of category in your Lomborg. Yeah, for sure. And it’s like they got outnumbered and pushed out with by people with another agenda.


Stuart Turley [00:33:01] Right? You know.


David Blackmon [00:33:03] It’s about losing agenda anyway. Go ahead Stu.


Stuart Turley [00:33:06] Yeah. Oh no I, I just I, I really, really enjoyed Doctor Patrick more and I’ll reach out to him and see if we can get him on the show.


David Blackmon [00:33:16] Oh, that would be awesome. Oh.


Irina Slav [00:33:17] That would be awesome.


Stuart Turley [00:33:18] I will reach out to him. I had, two, two, two hour, podcasts with him, and, they seemed like two minutes. So I will reach out and see if we can get him on.


Tammy Nemeth [00:33:34] Okay. That’s all I had about that. We’re, you know, it’s the the reality of environment and energy is that it’s never been better. And yet we’re being told that this is a catastrophe. Earth’s coming to an end. We’ve got two years to save the planet when actually the planet’s been getting better. Like, come on, people.


David Blackmon [00:33:54] Everything. Literally everything is.


Tammy Nemeth [00:33:55] Literally everything.


Stuart Turley [00:33:57] On a side note on that, they’re the. Okay, speaking of wood burning stoves, there are greener heat pumps says.


David Blackmon [00:34:07] Oh I love this story.


Stuart Turley [00:34:07]  Isn’t that great? You know, thinking about this, you can’t buy this kind of entertainment. Scotland is the most entertaining. Leadership for climate. Bizarre behavior.


Tammy Nemeth [00:34:32] Climate. Bizarre behavior that I like that. That’s good.


Stuart Turley [00:34:35] Baby. There we go, baby. Well, maybe. I mean, think about it. The head. One of the biggest headlines of an article that I ran on my website. Energy news beat dot co. Go there for all of your energy news. Just kidding. And, you know, we get.


Tammy Nemeth [00:34:53] Nice plug.


Stuart Turley [00:34:54] In the people there every day, every year.


David Blackmon [00:34:55]  Excellent.


Stuart Turley [00:34:57] It’s an excellent place, even if I do say so myself. But they had, they took down millions upon millions of trees in order to make room for wind farms that even, Irina has written about that. Scott Scotland had been having the wind farms run by diesel generators. You can’t have buy this kind of entertainment. So anyway, in this article, the Scottish Government draconian plan to outlaw wood burning stoves undermined by a report commissioned by ministers less than less than two and a half years ago, it found that CO2 emissions from wood fuels are not only lower form of fossil fuel boilers, but also lower that from renewable technologies such as heat pumps, solar power and wind turbines. In their own report.


Tammy Nemeth [00:35:56] In their own report.


David Blackmon [00:35:57] Yeah. It’s an inconvenient truth, isn’t it?


Stuart Turley [00:36:00] It is. Yeah.


Irina Slav [00:36:01] What did they how did they let that report get published at all?


David Blackmon [00:36:08] Yeah, it’s not a had a government grant.


Stuart Turley [00:36:11] I sure.


Tammy Nemeth [00:36:11] Didn’t read it. You know, they they have the talking points, and so they would have looked at the talking points in executive summary, and they didn’t see that,


Stuart Turley [00:36:25] It he anyway, he thought it was pretty funny. And so let’s go to this next one, our beloved. Suppose the president, set the block millions of acres in Alaska from Earth. From oil in the Earth. A legend. We don’t know if this has happened yet. But I’m not sure that he’s awake yet. Let me check. No


David Blackmon [00:36:50] It doesn’t get to work. Before 10 a.m. eastern time. So there’s still, 20 minutes before he shows up.


Stuart Turley [00:36:56] Okay, here’s a quote with climate action. Climate change warming the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet. We must do everything within our control to meet the highest standards of care, to protect this fragile ecosystem. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland previously stated. Biden. President Biden is delivering the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in history. But, look, I, I sorry, I got a little bit of cough there.


Irina Slav [00:37:34] Wait, so, Alaska is warming up twice as fast as the rest of the world?


Tammy Nemeth [00:37:41] I could make that argument about the Arctic region.


David Blackmon [00:37:44] it’s a lie.


Irina Slav [00:37:45] Well, I.


David Blackmon [00:37:45] Got high 60.


Irina Slav [00:37:47] Which is warming faster. The Arctic or Europe, because both, warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. There are other places


Tammy Nemeth [00:37:58]  In Canada. Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:37:58] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:37:59] I had


Irina Slav [00:37:59] Everything is warming twice as fast as everywhere else. As somebody summarized that one on X.


Stuart Turley [00:38:06] Irina.


Tammy Nemeth [00:38:07] Well, it’s like scope three emissions. It’s double, triple multiple counting.


Irina Slav [00:38:12] Yeah. We’re doomed. I don’t know.


Stuart Turley [00:38:15] Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:38:16] The so we have energy reality so we can talk about what the reality is. We can we can say what this, delusion is and then what, you know, to point out what the realities are.


Irina Slav [00:38:28] Just so mind numbingly stupid. Well.


Stuart Turley [00:38:33] Irina


Irina Slav [00:38:35] inflation, the pushing on us is so sorry Stu. it’s so, so idiotic. It’s really exasperating. Especially when you know that the people who are buying this.


David Blackmon [00:38:47] Oh, yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:38:48] Yeah.


Irina Slav [00:38:48] They never stop. Think Europe’s warming twice as fast as everyone else. Oh, my God, what am I going to do? We’re all going to die. We have to do something. The Arctic, Canada Australia is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world. And the same people believe it.


Stuart Turley [00:39:05] Had another interview as.


Irina Slav [00:39:07] It was climate change. Climate change is affecting intelligence, I’m sure.


Stuart Turley [00:39:10] Yes, absolutely. And Fritz, Dunning, he is with the Carbon Coalition. coolcat. I, I thoroughly enjoyed my podcast with him. He’s found about 20 sensors in the Antarctic that they have been manipulating the data. They’ve been manipulating the data out of the Antarctic, because if you’re -70 degrees, you can manipulate 20 sensors and change all of the, mathematical formulas saying that the Earth is getting hotter and now there’s more data coming out of how they’re doing it. And I’m visiting with him again in the next week. So, you take a look at, Irina, you say, incompetence. I think intentional is better than incompetent. I think there.


Tammy Nemeth [00:40:06] I think it is a mix.


Irina Slav [00:40:08] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:40:08] Intentionally incompetent. Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:40:13] So true.


Stuart Turley [00:40:14] All right.


Tammy Nemeth [00:40:15] Irina.


Stuart Turley [00:40:17] Okay. Oh, yeah. This is a set. And in honor of Earth Day, we have a series of videos to help really articulate what we’re going to talk about. If you can’t complain about it, change it. Right. So if you don’t like the weather, this first video I’m going to add to the stage talks about Dubai’s cloud seeding. They spent I believe it was $20 million. And they if you don’t like the rain this is about a minute clip. So let’s go ahead and kick it off to our guest here and let’s take a look.


Video Speaker [00:40:56] Did you know Dubai creates history. Well kind of. Most people get surprised when it rains in Dubai. One hour you have a thunderstorm, the next is a clear sunny sky. Well, that’s because the rain is actually generated. Yes, it’s called cloud seeding. Imagine a specialized aircraft that goes up the sky just to find promising clouds, and give them that little push that they need to make it drought by releasing Eco-Friendly Salt Crystals as these crystals.


Stuart Turley [00:41:29] Now.


Video Speaker [00:41:32] Encourage water droplets to merge and then fall as rain. The UAE invested $20 million to make this process possible, but it also wants to showcase an innovative approach to environmental man. So the next time you see rain in Dubai, just relax at home because you know it will last for long.


Stuart Turley [00:41:54] It won’t last for long,.


David Blackmon [00:41:56] Won’t last for long. But.


Stuart Turley [00:41:58] Let’s go to the next one. This was last week. Oh my God. Oh, good. It won’t last long. If I can billion. Who have the damn. Everybody!


Tammy Nemeth [00:42:13] Where’s the ark?


Stuart Turley [00:42:15] Yeah. This is. This was last week and the damage it has done. Let’s go, Harvey. And then let’s take a look at this. Yeah. It’s only a passing cloud. It’s no big. You don’t like it? Just give it five.


Irina Slav [00:42:42] Just, the question forces itself. Your. manipulating the clouds to get more rain. Why do you not build some drainage?


Stuart Turley [00:42:56] Well, we gotta love the aftermath.


David Blackmon [00:43:00] Holy moly. Wow.


Irina Slav [00:43:07] Oh, God.


Stuart Turley [00:43:09] Okay.


Tammy Nemeth [00:43:12] Like all those towers that they have in Dubai. Were they equipped to deal with that level of rain? Like what happened to the foundation of those towers?


David Blackmon [00:43:22] Good question.


Stuart Turley [00:43:23] I you’re too logical.


Irina Slav [00:43:25] About it.


Tammy Nemeth [00:43:27] Yeah, but I read it. You wrote it. You wrote a Substack about, about the story of the cloud seeding and this big storm because there.


Irina Slav [00:43:38] Was conflicting reports. But then one reader sent me, sent me an older report. It has happened before. I mean, occasionally floods can happen even in the desert. So I’m still on the fence. Whether this particular flood was the direct result of cloud seeding or not. And I guess we’ll never know. But I was impressed by the, you know, the force with which everyone started denying it. After this, one scientist from the Meteorological Center said it was it. The flood happened after cloud seeding operations. So I don’t know if anyone would ever be able to to prove a direct causal link between the two, but it is a fact that Dubai and the whole of all the Emirates are conducting cloud seeding in order to get some rain, and I understand that it’s a desert country. It needs some some water coming from the sky.


David Blackmon [00:44:39] Yep.


Irina Slav [00:44:40] But really, if you’re making rain, prepare for rain. As in just the drainage systems. Seriously?


Tammy Nemeth [00:44:53] Yes.


Irina Slav [00:44:54] I understood the whole idea of geo engineering or cloud engineer or that very, very dangerous. Because even if this particular flood was not the direct result of this specific mission for cloud seeding. You’re playing God?


David Blackmon [00:45:13] Yes.


Tammy Nemeth [00:45:14] And. And what are the long term implications? Because are you not removing that water from where it may have been going elsewhere, and you’re making it drop in this other place where it wasn’t going to. So what are the long term implications of it? Is there a national registry of of geoengineering? I don’t think there is. So who’s keeping track?


Irina Slav [00:45:36] Yeah, it reminds me of the idea of covering the Sahara with solar panels, because really it’s a desert. Almost nothing lives there. And two scientists did research on this idea, and they found something amazing that covering the Sahara with solar panels. Hypothetically, of course, but doing this will change the climate of the whole planet because it will mess up the air currents and precipitation, all sorts of things.


David Blackmon [00:46:09] It’s what could possibly go wrong with this idea of factor, right? Yeah, like like Bill gates, his idea.


Irina Slav [00:46:17] With the weather. And they say.


David Blackmon [00:46:20] Yeah, you know, Bill gates wants to spend $16 billion. I think it is on a program where he wants, giant planes to haul loads of chalk dust into the upper atmosphere and just spray it out into the upper atmosphere, deflect the sun. Right.


Irina Slav [00:46:39] I’ll say that. Yeah, that’s my favorite, actually, to possibly go. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


David Blackmon [00:46:44] What could go wrong? Right. And once it’s up there and and let’s say it, you get it up there into the upper atmosphere and you have a sudden collapse in temperatures. And so you go from 80, 80 degree days in April to 30 degree days in April. And part of the world, how do you get that crap out of the atmosphere? Is there is there a contingency plan for that to go back in case things go wrong? I kind of doubt that Bill gates has a contingency plan for that, right? I mean, these are actively evil.


Irina Slav [00:47:18] I mean, how arrogant can you get? Yeah. I mean, people also live on this planet and they cannot, regardless of their money, the ground bunker, that it’s a perfect imitation of life on the surface.


Tammy Nemeth [00:47:34] Yeah.


David Blackmon [00:47:35] And even better, what if. What if Bill gates is, atmosphere seeding program? Is this hackable as the software he developed? Right. And so you have hackers backing into it, and it.


Irina Slav [00:47:46] Just gets better.


David Blackmon [00:47:47] Right. I mean, this guy, he’s he’s not even a really great software developer, but he wants to play God with the whole atmosphere.


Tammy Nemeth [00:47:56] Well, what’s interesting is that, I think it was back in December or January. There was a group out of California that actually did an experiment putting these reflective particles in, in the atmosphere to reflect the sunlight coming in. And they only announced it after the fact because they said too many people would try to stop us, and rightly so, you know. But but they did it anyway and then released the information. And I’m like, well, where California regulates everything, how could they, you know. Yeah. Where where was the government regulating something as important as tampering with our atmosphere?


Irina Slav [00:48:38] So they didn’t let anyone know because it’s legal.


Tammy Nemeth [00:48:42] I don’t know. Is it one of these gray areas where there isn’t a specific law, and therefore they feel they can just go about and do it?


Irina Slav [00:48:50] Why stories? When the UN was discussing geoengineering, being because of climate change, a lot of countries were against it, but it doesn’t really mean anything because it’s legal in most countries. So apparently, as you say, probably it’s not specifically prohibited. So anyone can do it.


Tammy Nemeth [00:49:11] My understanding is.


Irina Slav [00:49:12] Will depend on the scale I mentioned. Imagine the scale of the experiment


Tammy Nemeth [00:49:17] right now. My understanding is Bill gates initially tried to do this last year in Sweden. It was last year or the year before, and it was like 24 hours before they were going to do this, this huge experiment. And word got out and the Swedish parliament immediately put a stop to it. And he said, well, we’ll try to put. While doing this, putting the particles up in the upper atmosphere, they were going to do a small scale, experiment.


Irina Slav [00:49:47] Yeah, but they were not publicizing it.


Tammy Nemeth [00:49:50] Right. And what people found out anyway. And finally the Swedish government intervened. But if I.


David Blackmon [00:49:57] Think about the geographic aspects of that, Sweden is a country that is maybe a fifth the size of the state of Texas. Right. So if you’re doing it in the atmosphere, way up in the high atmosphere above Sweden. Well, how do you how do you prevent that from bleeding over across borders and above other countries?


Tammy Nemeth [00:50:15] Of course. Yeah.


Irina Slav [00:50:16] So you have a long and narrow.


David Blackmon [00:50:19] Let’s say you get approval of the government of Luxembourg. Okay. Which is is smaller than the city of Houston. Right, right. How are you going to contain that in an atmosphere above that geographic area? You can’t. It’s not possible.


Irina Slav [00:50:32] Yeah. We’ll be moving.


David Blackmon [00:50:34] Yes. That’s exactly the.


Tammy Nemeth [00:50:36] Atmosphere is moving and mixing all the time. So try to say well, we’ve we’ve somehow put a box in this area of the atmosphere and things aren’t going to go outside it like.


Irina Slav [00:50:46] Yes you’re right.


Stuart Turley [00:50:49] So the earth is flat.


Irina Slav [00:50:53] Yeah. And climate did not change at all ever before. We discovered.


David Blackmon [00:50:59] Before 1980. That’s right. 79 I think is. Yeah. When they want to start.


Tammy Nemeth [00:51:04] You know, 1850.


David Blackmon [00:51:06] Well, 1850 if it’s convenient, but generally 1979.


Tammy Nemeth [00:51:11] But I agree with Irina. As soon as we started using coal somehow.


Irina Slav [00:51:15] Yeah, that was really age. Before that everything was fixed.


David Blackmon [00:51:19] Everything was wonderful.


Tammy Nemeth [00:51:20] And the climate never changed.


Irina Slav [00:51:22] Yeah, four years and three months age.


David Blackmon [00:51:26] And in the stages of fiction. The Dark Ages are a fiction. You know, it just was all made up.


Irina Slav [00:51:31] Yeah. No floods and droughts. Yeah.


Tammy Nemeth [00:51:34] Nothing.


Irina Slav [00:51:35] Oh, this has been fun.


David Blackmon [00:51:38] There was no history before 1850. All right. We’re getting absurd here.


Stuart Turley [00:51:46] I like it.


Irina Slav [00:51:47] Absurd.


David Blackmon [00:51:48] I don’t do actually. This has been a lot of fun.


Stuart Turley [00:51:51] Thank you guys very much. Don’t forget. To all of our folks, we’ve had lots of folks all over the place. We need to know a new TDs for climate. What was our last one?


David Blackmon [00:52:04] You said a minute ago, Stu. That was good. Climate.


Tammy Nemeth [00:52:07] Climate, bizarre behavior.


David Blackmon [00:52:09] Climate bizarre behavior. Well, that’s that’s a candidate right there. It’s on the list.


Tammy Nemeth [00:52:14] I know we need something punchier.


Stuart Turley [00:52:17] Yeah. Please. You know, I am punchable. Now, the only thing more punchable than me is Bill gates. And when I met him, I had.


Irina Slav [00:52:29] Others.


Stuart Turley [00:52:30] Do. What now, Irina?


Irina Slav [00:52:31] I can think of a half a dozen others, at least.


Stuart Turley [00:52:34] Well, I thoroughly made that man so mad when I met him that a vein popped across his forehead. When I mean, I. You spend five minutes with me and I can make anybody really, really mad. And I blew that man’s eardrums out. Five minutes with me, and I ruined his day. And it has been one of the highlights of my life.


Irina Slav [00:53:00] How about a trip to Brussels Stu.


David Blackmon [00:53:05] Meet Herschel, a von der lay on.


Stuart Turley [00:53:07] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s see. I really want to go to Washington. I got a lot of politicians I’d like to spend five minutes with, and just have absolutely a head exploding conversation with a lot of them. That would be.


Tammy Nemeth [00:53:22] Stu should go before the climate change committee in the UK. That would be priceless.


Irina Slav [00:53:29] go on world tour. I think with.


Tammy Nemeth [00:53:32] This World War.


Stuart Turley [00:53:33] I could. I could become the pope of head explosion. What do you think?


Tammy Nemeth [00:53:38] You’re the new envoy?


Irina Slav [00:53:41] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:53:43] That the the anti lurch? Nice.


Tammy Nemeth [00:53:46] The energy envoy or something.


Stuart Turley [00:53:48] Yeah. The anti carry lurch or Podesta. I’m the anti Podesta.


David Blackmon [00:53:55] Well we need an anti Podesta believe.


Irina Slav [00:53:58] Yeah. Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:54:00] All right. All right. Well I think this is a great show I appreciate everybody that was listening today. And I appreciate you guys. You guys are rockstars I’m just lucky to hang with you guys.


Tammy Nemeth [00:54:12] Well thanks for organizing everything. And thank you to all the listeners and viewers. We have been great fun.


David Blackmon [00:54:20] Everybody have a great week.


Stuart Turley [00:54:22] Bill gates.


Tammy Nemeth [00:54:23] Apocalypse.


Stuart Turley [00:54:24] I still am Roman. Yeah. I’m thrilled that I made you mad. Bill gates, if you’re listening, have a great weekend, everybody.


Tammy Nemeth [00:54:34] Bye everyone.


Irina Slav [00:54:36]  Monday.


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David Blackmon, Energy Realities, Irina Slav, Stu Turley, tammy Nemeth

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