January 5

Was Biden Blackmailed by China to Give Them Afghanistan?


That the CCP owns Joe Biden is no longer in doubt. There is nothing he does that does not benefit Communist China. That includes the illegal invasion on our southern border through which thousands of military age Chinese are entering our country, He also allowed the CCP to survey our military installations by balloon, doing nothing about it until they had what they needed. And, he has given Communist China exemptions from tariffs designed to control their ability to undermine our own industries.

Yes, the list of things Biden has done for China is long and growing. The CCP has him under its thumb because the Biden Crime Family saw China as piggybank. Now China has Joe in a spot where he can do nothing but comply. America is in an even worse spot due to Joe’s greed and the resulting karma.

The Afghan war provides a good example of what I mean. We needed to get out of Afghanistan but the way it happened under Joe Biden is inexplicable unless we acknowledge the CCP owns him, from his blonde leg hairs, to his hair transplants to the oatmeal brain just beneath them. He went against the advice of his military advisers to exit neither right nor left but rather head-first straight off the stage to land in a crumpled up mess in front of the first row of spectators. He gave away billions in equipment and the Bagram Air Force Base, as our soldiers and allies were abandoned to the whims of the Taliban. It was an epic disaster.

CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=444050

The beneficiary of that disaster was the CCP, which now has access to a magnificent airfield only 400 miles from its border from which it can create mischief in the Mid-East and do all sorts of other nasty things. It also got rare mining opportunities galore in Afghanistan. The alarm bells regarding this were going off in 2021 but our foreign policy establishment, which views China as a corporatist get-rich-quick opportunity like none before, quickly dismissed the threat. Foreign Policy Magazineowned by the Washington Post crowd of sychophants that has gotten us into Ukraine, offered this piece of condescending naivete, in fact:

In the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, a popular narrative has emerged that paints the war-torn country as a geopolitical prize ripe for China to take. According to this logic, Beijing is greedily eying Afghanistan’s vast mineral wealth, and Chinese policymakers are chomping at the bit to cut deals with the Taliban. Much of this concern is hyperbolic. Afghanistan is no treasure trove, and viewing it through the narrow lens of great-power competition with China constrains policy options in Washington.

This is so typical of the attitude among Washington’s elites. Their only message as they seek to line up for goodies themselves via deals with the CCP, ala Hunter and Joe Biden, is to chime “don’t worry, be happy” to the rest of us.

Two years later, though, their suggestion China’s policy options were somehow “constrained” has taken on the look of those tomatoes you forgot were in the lower refrigerator drawer. They’re still red but now rotten. This is what Foreign Policy Magazine was saying by April of last year:

China, once again, seems to be mucking about in Afghanistan’s mineral-rich playground. The latest move is a maybe, could-be deal worth billions to tap Afghanistan’s rich veins of lithium, the key input for the energy transition that powers everything from laptops to electric cars. It could mean that billions of dollars will be pouring into securing a prosperous future for one of the world’s poorest countries…

Afghanistan is ostensibly an El Dorado, with mineral riches worth at least $1 trillion.

The latest story is still skeptical the CCP’s move is anything but a political maneuver designed to tie up lithium resources and take them off the market for others, but that’s no small thing either. Joe Biden gave the CCP whatever it is they’re going to do and that’s the point. He sold us out and it is China that has benefitted, yet again.

We also don’t really know precisely the long game China is playing except that they told the world they want to be in total control by 2049 and that means controlling us. The EV thing is a chip in that poker game, a way to grift along the way, a way to get us out of oil and gas and out of our reliable cars so as to force us into controllable cities, or get rid of us altogether. They want our resources, after all, much more than they want Afghanistan’s. They also want Taiwan and want it now. Moreover, they know Joe Biden will let them have it. He has no choice. That’s the situation in which we now find ourselves, thanks to Joe Biden.

#Biden #CCP #China #CommunistChina #Lithium #EVs

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