July 31

Tom Nelsion – Climate the Movie #212



In the Energy News Beat – Conversation in Energy with  Stuart Turley interviews Tom Nelson about his movie “Climate the Movie,” which explores the corruption and fraud within climate alarmism. Nelson describes his journey from blogging and podcasting to collaborating with Martin Durkin, leading to the film’s creation. They discuss the misinformation and manipulation in climate science, the suppression of alternative views, and the significant impact of climate policies on global economies and energy sectors. Nelson highlights the growing skepticism and the pushback against the climate narrative, emphasizing the importance of spreading truthful information to combat misinformation and unnecessary alarmism.

Highlights of the Podcast


00:00 – Intro

01:25 – Climate Policies and Big Money

03:05 – Tom Nelson’s Background and Movie Creation

04:16 – Reception and Public Showings

05:17 – Climate Skepticism and Misinformation

07:48 – Scientific Fraud and Climate Alarmism

09:06 – CO2 and Climate Reality

10:10 – Energy Policies and Natural Gas

14:46 – Public Showings and Censorship

17:25 – Future Plans and Audience Engagement

18:36 – Final Thoughts and Closing

Thank you, Tom, for Stopping by the Podcast!!! Stu

Stuart Turley [00:00:06]  There is so much going on around the world right now, and climate is at the forefront of it, that climate and energy are intertwined because of the climate policies and the climate. Eight activists that are out there. And I have a fantastic special guest today. I have Tom Nelson. Tom Nelson, welcome and thank you for stopping by the podcast.


Tom Nelson [00:00:31] Yeah, thanks for having me on, I appreciate it.


Stuart Turley [00:00:33] Well, Tom, your movie climate the movie, we’ve got about a two minutes little video here that we’re going to play a little bit later because I want to get our audiences, you know, the flavor of this movie. This movie is phenomenal. And I want you to just, it it let’s go ahead and just kick this off. This is a little bit of a thing here for us. And so let’s get this rolling here.


Video Clip [00:00:58] People are dying and dying. Systems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairytales. Of its time of economic growth. How dare you! This is the story of how an eccentric environmental scare grew into a powerful.


Stuart Turley [00:01:25] This is crazy Trump. I am so thrilled to have gotten to talk to you about this. Okay.


Video Clip [00:01:31] You want climate? We’ll give you climate. There’s a huge amount of money involved. And this is a huge, big money scam. There is not just now billions, but there are trillions of dollars at stake. It’s a story of self-interest and big government funding. People like me are careers depend on funding of climate research. This is what I’ve been doing just about my whole career. This is what the other climate researchers are doing with their whole career. They don’t want this to end. If CO2 isn’t having this huge negative impacts that we claimed it was having originally. How are we going to stay in business? A lot of people’s livelihoods depend on it. I’m not going to give that up. This is a story of the corruption of science. There’s no such thing as a climate emergency on this planet, and it’s due to evidence of one. The climate alarmist had.


Stuart Turley [00:02:26] A great chance to interview him twice.


Video Clip [00:02:28] I’ve never liked hugs. I think Stanley’s a better word, but I’m willing to live with hugs. It’s a story about the bullying and intimidation of anyone who dares to challenge the climate alarm, to speak up against, or about climate change in any sort of skeptical way, was essentially career suicide.


Stuart Turley [00:02:47] I think that’ll give our listeners a very good flavor of the movie. But energy policies are of climate narrative by the, left leaning folks. So, Tom, tell us how the movie, how you got to the movie and how you even got involved in this.


Tom Nelson [00:03:06] Yeah. So, I have been involved in the climate debate, for a long time, since about 2007 or so. And I at first I was on blogspot and I was on Twitter, and then I started a podcast in July of 22. And, I was a big fan of Martin Durkin, who did The Great Global Warming Swindle in 2007. I invited him on my podcast in October of 22, and just out of the blue, he said, you know, if I had the chance to remake that movie, I would love to do that. And knowing what I know now and having more time. So that just kind of kicked the whole thing off. And I started working with him. And by the time we got started, it took about a year to complete the movie. And I think he just did a fabulous job. He’s done, he’s been involved in maybe 100 documentaries, and he really knows how to keep things moving and how to get the the messages across. And he did the interviews, he did the narration. And, it’s the 80 minutes that I really packed with information. I’m very happy with how it turned out.


Stuart Turley [00:03:57] And, I love the movie. Absolutely phenomenal. You are also on the energy realities with David Blackman and Irina Slav and, they I mean, that was a great show. I just enjoyed, your conversations on there as well, too. And I’ve got, rolling across on the banner your climate, the movie dot net.


Tom Nelson [00:04:16] Yeah, yeah, that’s one place you can watch the movie. Also, you can go to, the quintal website and, we’ve made it available so you can download the whole movie and you can download clips of the movie yourself. And a lot of people have done that. So as I was saying, when before we hit record, over 100 copies of the full movie on YouTube and rumble and Bid shoot and Substack and it’s right on, at one, one copy on access, something like 1.4 million views already. Oh, we’re very happy with how it’s just getting spread everywhere. And you’re not going to be able to, censor it completely because it is everywhere.


Stuart Turley [00:04:50] That is, you know, my website, Energy news.com, is censored by Google. They don’t like me. And I honestly, because I try to tell the truth. And I think that our podcasts people want to hear your podcast. People, believe it or not, love our podcast from the standpoint that they’re tired of mainstream media. I think people are tired of being shoved and narratives that they’re being told they have to have. Is that true statement?


Tom Nelson [00:05:18] It is a fair statement, and you can even see it, in the data that the legacy media is going down, that, the numbers, their numbers are way down. Even in the last year, I think there’s been a big awakening in the last few years as people have realized that we’ve been lied to over and over about so many different things. And then a lot of people have told me, I found out they were lying to us about, about the pandemic or whatever else. Then I started looking at and saying, what else are they lying to us about? And then I looked at climate. I found right away they’re lying to us big time on climate. I, I’m very happy to hear that this is happening.


Stuart Turley [00:05:52] You know, the, the, the, the Supreme Court just put out, the, a couple of big ones in this, Chevron, difference was one of them where they, they just put this out, where it is it really a a separation of the, the the ability for folks to sue the government and say, oh, by the way, legislation through regulatory actions, it’s a way to stop it. And we’ve had two big decisions. The the LNG ban just got stopped because of that legislation. And the in that decision, Tom, they said this, the Secretary of energy, the deal, we had no business with a climate motivated policy to stop our LNG export. So climate motivated policies impact people around the world.


Tom Nelson [00:06:52] Definitely. And as I’ve said many a time that, catastrophic human caused global warming is the most massive scientific fraud in human history. It’s absolutely huge. And, it’s crumbling in front of us. I’m watching it every day as it’s crumbling. There was a there’s a big outfit called Climate Nexus just in the last month or so. They just threw in the towel. They are no more. And there’s a lot of that. There’s a YouTuber called Sabina Hossenfelder. She has been very much on the other side. And just in the last couple of months she started saying, you know, maybe we’re being too alarmist about this. Then she’s kind of a slowly switching over, and there’s so much of that. Joe Rogan did that in 2018. He interviewed Candace Owens, says his mind was blown when she didn’t. She didn’t believe in the climate scam. He thought we should trust the experts. And now it comes up a lot on his podcast. And when it does, he scoffs at it and the guests laugh at it. It’s a big. The change, and I’m here for all of it. I’m loving it.


Stuart Turley [00:07:48] You know? This is one man that has an open, an absolute open invitation. I’d love to have al Gore on my podcast at any time. So if you’re ever listening to this, because this one just cracks me up.


Video Clip [00:08:02] Chance that the entire north polar ice cap during summer, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice free. Within the next 5 to 7 years, you have sea ice, which is melting at a rate that the Arctic Ocean now increasingly is exposed. In five years, scientists predict we will have the first ice free Arctic.


Stuart Turley [00:08:28] What, bunch. Who has. Sorry.


Tom Nelson [00:08:32] Oh, yeah. John Holdren, the science advisor for. Who was that? A few years ago. He was the science advisor. He was talking about disappearing sea ice in the Arctic in winter. He’s like in winter. That’s how crazy it got. And of course, the, the ice isn’t behaving at all. Is it supposed to be? It’s been growing for a few years in the Arctic. The Antarctic has not been warming, over and over. Just, reality has conflicted completely with these crazy, predictions and just, Adelaide and, Australia just had their coldest day since 1908. It just happened.


Stuart Turley [00:09:07] Yeah. 2023 was a cold year. I mean, and and and there I am sitting here thinking it’s kind of funny. Stats matter and and when there, we found that they’re manipulating the data in order to prove their point.


Tom Nelson [00:09:23] They absolutely are. And one name I wanted to throw out here is that Chris. Marty, he’s blowing up on Twitter lately. He’s just gaining, followers. And he just had a tweet that had 1 million impressions. Just one of his tweets. So constantly, if there’s something crazy that they say, which they say every day, he’s going in there with the data and saying, no, here’s the reality. And that’s one reason why he’s blowing up. And I’m loving that. Loving it.


Stuart Turley [00:09:45] Let’s get him on a podcast.


Tom Nelson [00:09:47] You’re absolutely sure? Yeah. Yeah. He’s, he’s the same age as Greta. So, he just did a tweet about that. That Greta doesn’t know a thing about any of the data. She’s just all about trusting the experts, blah, blah, blah. And, he’s the same age, and he is going in and, showing what the, the data actually show is. And again, there’s no data anywhere that shows that CO2 is causing any problems. It’s all, alarmism.


Stuart Turley [00:10:10] No. And in fact, Heidi, I just put out a, up in Canada. She did the, Canadian, up north. It, you know, that that, bring her up here in to say, anyway. But, when we sit back and take a look, climate change happens. I mean, it’s real. Absolutely. Climate modification. This one cracks me up. Why is the chem trails used to be a conspiracy theory? But now you see something like Dubai. Let me throw this out here.


Video Clip [00:10:48] Did you know Dubai creates history? Well. Kind of. Most people get surprised when it rains in Dubai. One hour you have a thunderstorm. The next is a clear, sunny sky. Well, that’s because the rain is actually generated. Yes, it’s called clouds. Imagine a specialized aircraft that goes up to the sky just to find promising.


Stuart Turley [00:11:11] So then they expand. They just announced that they had spent, I think, $1.7 million to do cloud seeding. And then they had a storm come through, and they blamed it on climate change, and it was $1 billion worth of damage.


Tom Nelson [00:11:27] Yeah. I don’t know what the thing for sure. Some of it is going on. I don’t know how much is happening.


Stuart Turley [00:11:32] We don’t know. But I just thought it was funny that they did that. Climate change is happening. It’s $1 billion. Oh no. But we’re cloud seeding.


Tom Nelson [00:11:40] But this whole idea that the Earth is too hot and we need to do stuff to cool down the earth. Completely crazy. Of course. All the times in the past, as the Earth, the temperature has fluctuated up and down. The warm times have been the good times to be a human. And during the little Ice Age, when it was cold, that was a bad time. Short growing seasons, last food that was terrible. More disease. The warmth is good. Yeah, and fighting CO2, fighting small amounts of plant food and, thinking we’re going to prevent bad weather. Completely crazy. I say we could spend $50 trillion, go back and live in caves, never drive a real car again. No, there would be no measurable weather or climate benefit ever from that.


Stuart Turley [00:12:18] You know, one of the things that Doctor Parker, more I just, I love, him he is an absolute rockstar. I love him, and, I had the two podcast with him, and they were two hours apiece, and I felt like five minutes. And, I mean, the man is amazing, but when he says, you know, you sit back and take a look. We are actually in a Co two. We are we’re not healthy, for CO2 amount. So CO2 is not our problem. It’s pollution. I mean, we gotta work on pollution and not net zero.


Tom Nelson [00:12:54] Yeah. I mean, the whole idea that there’s too much CO2 in the air is completely crazy. If you look at a graph over the last 600 million years of estimates of CO2 in the air, we’re very close to the low. We’re way closer to the low than to the high. And if, we have maybe 420 parts per million CO2, if we get under 200, then, life on Earth would be in big trouble because plants need it. So anyway, the whole idea, we need more CO2. I love CO2, and the idea that the CO2 helps the crops grow better. It’s a major reason why the crops are growing better. Of course, we have better technology, better farming techniques. But just the CO2 in the air is making a difference.


Stuart Turley [00:13:29] It is, you know, and so this comes back to energy and we take a look at our, natural gas plants are going through, you know, that the U.S. has at, reduced its, CO2 output by 22% last year. And that’s because we took taking down some of our coal plants. And we have now natural gas plants coming online. And their only reason they’re able to come online is because they’re hydrogen ready. Hydrogen ready is not gonna happen. And so natural gas is okay now because we need a I in data centers. Hypocrisy abounds.


Tom Nelson [00:14:14] I think, Nancy Pelosi famously said that she liked natural gas because it wasn’t a fossil fuel. Something along those lines. She didn’t realize that. Yeah, that wrong it as everything. So the degree of knowledge among a lot of politicians is very close to zero. It’s amazing that they they don’t know anything about these important issues.


Stuart Turley [00:14:33] So with climate the movie, you’ve got some great things coming around here to, to talk about and, and where you’re going next with this and also want it. Feedback is what feedback have you had an impact that the movies had?


Tom Nelson [00:14:47] Yeah, there’s been a lot of public showings. Just for the premiers that I went to London, we had a premiere, we had hundreds of people, 570, I think, in the Netherlands. We did another premiere in DC, and, there’s been a lot of those showings. There’s been a lot of, suppression of it in the Netherlands, where, Marshall Creek has just been about ready to, have a premiere or have a showing of it in a theater, and then they get canceled because we can’t have that. It’s misinformation. Yeah, several of those. It is pretty amazing. Yeah. So you can’t show a movie where you have a Nobel Prize winning physicist like Wowzer. You can’t show that because whatever it’s going, it’s going to poison the minds of the little people or something. It’s pretty amazing still that there’s some of that censorship. But as, I have been saying, there is an awakening happening, and I think people are figuring out that we can’t just trust the experts. And, it’s important to listen to other perspectives. And, we’re showing the movie I should mention we’re showing it in, in El Paso, and next weekend we’re. That freedom fest in Las Vegas coming up the weekend that it’s going to be shown in Hong Kong at a huge conference coming up in September. So this movie has a lot of legs, and people are going to be watching it and clips of it for a long time.


Stuart Turley [00:16:00] This is really exciting, and I think people underestimate the importance of your movie. And I’ll say this because it brought to light in a, a factual, entertaining way the that you just mentioned, we are being stifled, you know, because of controlling and social media and big tech controlling everything. And then you have political policies that are based off of climate. You have financial people printing money based off of climate fear. So you’re at the tip of the spear over here, Tom, with your movie and the impact around the world is all kind of, like tied together. And it’s not a really putting those dots together like that.


Tom Nelson [00:16:52] Yeah, that is one reason why this whole subject has interested me for so long, is that so much is hinging on this that, there’s this whole idea that we’re going to have central bank digital currency. And a major reason for having that is, though, that they can control you and me, that that we can’t buy too much gas in a month, or you can’t fly too much and eat too much meat, or you’re going to you’re going to get cut off that that is a plan that, would happen if we didn’t fight back hard. But I think we do as we continue to fight back, they’re not going to be able to push this on us. It’s just too stupid. And, people will not stand for this, but they’ll try.


Stuart Turley [00:17:25] Wow. So, people, how do people get Ahold of you? It’s at Tom Nelson. Is your, ex handle?


Tom Nelson [00:17:32] Yeah. Tom Nelson. Yeah. So I think that’s the best way to reaching out there. You can click on my Linktree, and you can find all sorts of other information about me on my Linktree there.


Stuart Turley [00:17:41] Well, I tell you what, I hope you have an absolutely fantastic time out there in West Texas. And, you know, I love West Texas. All the great oil and gas workers out in there when you’re out there and also in Vegas, just get out there and keep showing the movie and let us know how we can help share the word out there, because your story is important.


Tom Nelson [00:18:05] Thank you very much. Yeah. If you can just share it via word of mouth, just talk to people and send them the link. And, that really helps. A lot of viral spreading of the movie is the way to go.


Stuart Turley [00:18:14] Oh, hey. Brazilian. Thank you. From Brazil. I just wanted to say. Hey, thanks. I’ll tell you, it is very important to get your story out there because it filters through energy, it filters through social, and the digital bank currency scares me to death.


Tom Nelson [00:18:37] Yeah, they’re firing this up already. I think there’s a guy named got picked on in South America where they’re doing this kind of on a voluntary basis already. He got a call from his credit card company talking about something about his carbon footprint was too big or something. It’s on a bond. They said it’s voluntary for now, but, there are people who would like to make this mandatory that we have to prevent bad weather in 2070 by a cranky, cracking down on people. Right now, our behavior has to be modified because, it’s that’s how important this is. It’s totally crazy.


Stuart Turley [00:19:08] Hey, Tom at Driller Shack, we love the guys over at Driller Shack. So, anyway, the guys drill shack are really good, good folks. They’ve got some good stuff going on out there. So with that, we’re going to go ahead and wish everybody a very happy July 1st. July 4th. And remember we threw, t out millions of years ago, right. We may need to throw some more t out again.


Tom Nelson [00:19:39] Yeah, we need to we need to push back hard. Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:19:41] Sounds great. Hey, thanks for stopping by.


Tom Nelson [00:19:44] Thank you. I really enjoyed it.

The post Tom Nelsion – Climate the Movie #212 appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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