March 2

The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 2: The Departure from Evolutionary Stable Strategies and the Demographic Collapse of the West and Their Pacific Rim Allies



The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 2: The Departure from Evolutionary Stable Strategies and the Demographic Collapse of the West and Their Pacific Rim Allies

George W McMillan III, Copyright © June 23, 2024/February 25, 2025

Introduction: Ideology and Differing Family and Government Forms

The Seven P Plan of the Left series of papers explains how the basis of Leftism derives from Rousseau’s “Discourse on Inequality” (17655) and aims to rid society of “property rights and “martial rites” as the means of achieving the Leftist goal of “equality” as their “highest good.”

Since thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not commit adultery is in the Ten Commandments in the Abrahamic religions, Rousseau and the Left have the goal of ridding society of property rights, marital rights, and religion.

In the process of teaching this in the University system from the 1970s forward, they have created the circumstances where their graduates now teach this in the Kindergarten through twelfth-grade educational system also. The result is that the West is no longer demographically stable in terms of population replacement rates, while the West is becoming financially, economically, and politically unstable as well. The basis of Leftist thought and the societal instability that it creates needs to be more widely understood to reverse its destructive effects.

Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality 

Many people are not familiar with the history of post-Rousseau Leftist literature and do not realize that Leftism has more to do with exalting gender equality based on the single-mother family concept rather than exalting the “proletariat” working class. The works of Rousseau, Marx, and Engles explain the relationship between micro Family Forms and macro Government and Economic Forms in their writings. Their writings explain the nexus between Marxism and Feminism expressed by such feminist writers as Simone De Beauvoir in The Second Sex (1949).

Many blue-collar men are finding out that Leftism has more to do with advancing Feminism than “working class” issues as their jobs were steadily shipped overseas since the 1980s migrants were welcomed in by the millions, and marriage far too often ends in a life-destroying divorce court nightmare.

The United States is no longer pursuing an evolutionarily stable strategy in a micro-behavioral sense as it is also becoming politically, economically, and geopolitically unstable in a macro sense. The “Ps” are defined differently in each paper in this series to illuminate different aspects of the “long march through the institution” strategy by the Leftists and Globalists to transform America into a single-party statist utopia. A systematic view of the problem provides a systematic understanding of the solution.

The Seven P Plan

(1) The “Professor P”—what people should be aware of is that as the 1960s Civil Rights and Vietnam War protesters gained their Philosophy Doctorates and gained university professorships they began to discard any “objective measures and standards” in the soft philosophical and social sciences as explained by Allan Bloom in The Closing of the American Mind published in 1988.

John Tooby and Lena Cosmides explained in “The Psychological Foundations of Culture” published in 1992 that as “the 1960s Liberals took over the department chairs in the 1980s” they quickly “abandoned the scientific project” in the social sciences. The scientific project refers to the development of compatible methodological standards and behavioral frameworks in the micro and macro social sciences that would generate logical coherency among the disciplines of philosophy and the social sciences over time. The result is that human studies are now a logically incoherent web of “fashionable nonsense.” (see Jean Bricmont and Alan Sokal, Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science, 1997)

(2) The “Prosecutor P”—refers to the gradual replacement of Adam Smith’s writings that explain the nexus between the evolution of property rights to the evolution of economic production and government function in society in the pre-law undergraduate and graduate law school programs with Fabian incremental socialist literature on how to “transform Western Christian Capitalist society to Atehistic Social Democracies. The purpose of changing the curriculum in legal theory is to teach the students which laws need to be changed to transform traditional Western conceptions of the family and government Form over time to Fabian Socialist ideals.

(3) The “Police P” refers to the strategy of the Leftists, neoliberal Statists, and neoconservative Globalists to gain control over all police, military, and private security gun carriers while curtailing private firearm ownership. The goal is to reeducate the gun carriers of society to promote social justice rather than the preservation of the US Constitution due to its bias towards Western Christian males. The police and military routinely put down Leftist rebellions in Western Europe during the revolutions of 1848. The Left knows they need to control the police and military gun carriers and outlaw private firearm ownership to prevent any Christian resistance or counter-revolution.

(4) The “Politician P” refers to the need to gain a critical mass of political leaders at all local, state, and federal levels to promote the transformation of America from Christian Capitalist Republics toward secular and atheistic socialist welfare states over time.

(5) The “Press P” refers to the training of journalists to promote social justice issues across all mass communications media and gradually shift cultural norms of society to accept a Fabian socialist single-party state. The goal of the press is to promote the shared narcissistic fantasy across society.

(6) The “Priest P” refers to the reshaping of the agenda of as many theological schools as possible to portray the Abrahamic patriarchal system as both anachronistic and boorish while promoting single-parent matriarchal family structure as positive and progressive.

(7) The “Parental P” is the ultimate focus of Friedrich Engels’ The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884) which explains the relationship of family conception and socialist matriarchal Government Form. The goal is to minimize the role of the parents, especially the father, in the raising of children. The role of the parents is supposed to be superseded by the role of the Leftist university-trained preschool through twelfth-grade teachers.

The abandonment of the scientific project in the Western university system under the guise of autarkic freedom of each discipline to interpret reality as they wish (Tooby and Cosmides) has been effective in taking over the “Seven Ps” and changing the “cultural hegemony” of America.

But rather than creating a utopia, the West is no longer pursuing: (1) evolutionary, (2) psychological, (3) political, (4) economic/demographic, and (5) geopolitical stable strategies under the logically incoherent “Standard Social Scientific Model” (SSSM, Tooby and Cosmides). The SSSM should be replaced by a logically coherent Integrated Causal Model (ICM) of the five major topical areas mentioned above.

The “Why the Experts are Democrats” chart is posted below. The University system abandoned “objective measures and standards” and the “scientific project” decades ago and currently only produces charlatans.

For everything written by George McMillan for Energy News Beat, check out his landing page here:

The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 1: The Transformation of America into a Single-Party Socialist State


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