March 25

Tesla’s Critical Moment



Daily Standup Top Stories

Coal Coal Baby

ENB Pub Note: This article is from Robert Bryce and his Substack. We highly recommend subscribing and supporting his work. He has amazing points on Energy and today is no exception. The world needs low-cost […]

British Oil Sector Hinges on Shell’s Future

Shell is considering a potential delisting from the London Stock Exchange, which could have significant implications for BP’s future. BP is facing investor pressure for strategic changes and may be open to a merger, with […]

Heathrow blackout after substation fire highlights infrastructure vulnerability

  Late on Thursday night a fire broke out at the North Hyde substation in Hayes, west London causing a blackout at Heathrow airport as well as thousands of homes and businesses. Of three transformers […]

Canada’s looming decision: US’ EPA Deregulatory Actions will force Canada’s hand – be competitive or be left behind

ENB Pub Note: This is an article from the BOE report in Canada by Terry Etam. I have reached out to him to record an episode on this topic on our podcast.  Terry is a great […]

DAVID BLACKMON: Tesla Could Be On The Brink Of ‘Blackberry Moment’

ENB Pub note: This article from David Blackmon on the Daily Caller is an excellent article, and I want your opinion. Everyone that I know talks to, or gets feedback is hearing that Tesla sales […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 Canada’s Energy Crossroads

02:18 Tesla’s Make-or-Break Moment

05:12 Global Energy Trends & Hypocrisy

08:48 UK’s Energy Security Crisis

14:06 Tesla’s Future & Innovation

32:52 – Kazakhstan’s Oil Influence

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stu Turley [00:00:00] Canada’s looming decision U.S. EPA deregulatory actions will force Canada’s hand be competitive and be or be left behind. I want to give Terry Edam a shout-out. Terry Edom, this was published over at the BOE report and Terry is just a class act. He’s one of my favorite Canadians up there and he’s got a great book out there that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading, The End of fossil fuel insanity. Hello everybody, welcome to the Energy Newsbeat Daily Standup, my name is Stu Turley, Presidency of the Sandstone Group. It is just fun on the news desk today. Let’s take a look, today is March 25th and our first story coming around the corner, Cole Cole Baby. This is by Robert Bryce Substack, and we highly recommend his Substac. British oil sector hinges on Shell’s future. There’s a lot to this story. Heathrow blackout after substation fire highlights infrastructure vulnerability.

Stu Turley [00:01:12] This is something that Michael and I talked about yesterday show, but there’s some updates in there and as I talked it about this morning on the Energy Realities podcast with David Blackman, Irina Slav, and Tammy Neiman, there were some things in there that I wanted to highlight. Next story up, Canada’s looming decision, US EPA deregulatory actions will force Canada’s hand, either be competitive or be left behind. And this is from one of the great friends of the show, Terry Edam. I’ve interviewed him several times. He is a great author. You’re going to enjoy that article. And last from David Blackman. Tesla could be on the brink of a Blackberry moment. And I want to just give Elon a musk a shout out there. He’s doing a lot of great things. and I wanna just say, hey, I know a lot of people that are investing in Tesla and I know, I’ve got family members that are buying their Teslas to support Elon. So I think he’s doing the right things for the right country and for the the right reasons.

Stu Turley [00:02:18] So hats off and by the way, Pam Bondi, if you’re listening to the podcast, I hope you send every one of those folks that are. doing terrorist activities to Tesla cars and trying to undermine things to jail. I would be greatly appreciated. Let’s start with some coal, coal baby with Robert Bryce. This is a fabulous article. In fact, I noticed also that there were several other articles. Coal is growing great again around the world. Net zero and. Decarbonization pledges are a diamond a dozen. Soaring coal use in China and India is swamping the West’s decarbonization efforts. Here’s climate policy reality check in nine charts. I put one in here just as a the first one coming around to the block. And take a look at the somewhere around the 8,000 coal plants around the world, where they’re located. and China, the U.S., and India. And I’ll tell you what, who’s got the lowest output out there per capita? And it would be the United States. Why? Because we put extra technology on our coal plants that the others don’t.

Stu Turley [00:03:35] So California has an aggressive carbonization scene. It’s committed to just an equitable transition to carbon neutrality by 2045. Making that happen said will require significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Here’s where the hypocrisy comes from California. 60% of their oil that they import comes from foreign sources. including Iraq and Iran and it just came out that Iran is selling oil through Iraq because of sanctions. So you know this is just absolutely horrific and you take a look at China’s electric demand growth since 2020 to to quote Robert Bryce is gobsmacking. Canada is 633, EU nuclear is 810. but you take a look at the growth at it, it’s just unbelievable. The IEA also reports that emissions from electrical generation remain the highest of any sector and that in 2024 greenhouse gas emissions from the electric sector set a whole new record 13.8 billion tons of CO2. That’s a slight increase. So when you sit back and take a China’s use of electricity needs to make clean tech dwarfs of entire countries and then you take a look at 50% of nuclear capacity is being built for, wait for it, China and India.

Stu Turley [00:05:12] If there is absolutely anything that we take heart here and that is the united states has to get back to being a nuclear power we’ve got a ballpark of about 92 reactors we’ve gotten the most of anything but we’ve gotta do more china and india emissions are the real story here CO2 emission in the sixth-largest economy? And you take a look, it is US is in there in that, but it’s India and China that are the problem and they’re not gonna change anything. So there’s absolutely nothing you can do. India’s coal fire is surging, electrical demand in India increased by 5.8 in 2024. Coal paste generation remains the backbone of 74% of their grid. and you take a look at the… States. The United States used to be 50 percent of our grid and they’re down to about 20 percent, but then you take a look at the other part of the statistic on there. We’ve spent trillions on renewable, but renewable energy is only four percent. So we are wasting money like you wouldn’t believe. We should be building nuclear power plants. Oh, by the way, and a shout out to Robert Bryce. Go follow Robert Bryce and support his substack. He is an outstanding author. But let’s go to the next article here. British oil sector hinges on Shell’s future. Shell is considering a potential delisting from the London Stock Exchange, which could have significant implications for BP’s future, BP is facing investor pressure, and it’s strategic changes and may be open to a merger with Shell being a potential acquirer due to its financial strength and market cap.

Stu Turley [00:07:09] BP has also been rumored that it may want to leave the BP and you know the EUK and if you take a look at what would happen if the EU K lost their two biggest oil companies it would actually be a disaster. Energy security starts at home, and if you have no oil and gas companies, you will not be able to guarantee petrochemicals, you won’t be able to guarantee anything. happens if you get sanctioned on something? It is going to be absolutely a horrific end to the UK if this happens. The UK government, however, will be wishing for Shell to stay put as it looks to Europe’s biggest oil and gas company to save the British Crown Jewel BP as Shell moved its quarters to the Hague in London in 2022. all this will be pretty interesting if it does if both of them stay i would not stay in the uk based on what their energy policies are what they’re the way their government is running i would absolutely bail out if i was the ceo of shell and bp i would put it to the voters and say do you want to make money or do you wants to stay here and go bankrupt i think it may be that simple. Let’s go to Heathrow’s blackout after the substation fire highlights infrastructure vulnerability. This is absolutely an amazing story. This article is a follow along with more details in it.

Stu Turley [00:08:48] This came from our news feed and let’s see what logic I believe is the author on this and they did an outstanding job. In fact, this entire substation debacle really points out that green energy policies when forced to be implemented will cause life changing or life catastrophic events and this is just plain basically criminal. When you sit back and think diesel generators had been there in the past and could run Heathrow Airport for hours and if not days until they could get switched. But then they were trying to get these switched over to other grid segments. This is not rocket science. This is not Elon trying to send up something on SpaceX. This is just simple basic backup to grid and this exemplifies what’s going on in the UK with their energy policies and their grid. their grid is going to have catastrophic failure in the near future you cannot just buy this kind of stupidity so excellent article and let’s go to the next one here canada’s looming decision us epa deregulatory actions will force canada s hand be competitive and be or be left behind I want to give Terry Edam a shout out. Terry Edham, this was published over at the BOE Report and Terry is just a class act. He’s one of my favorite Canadians up there and he’s got a great book out there that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading, The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity. and when you take a look, I’ve got the link in there for folks to buy it. It seems when discussing the current global events with a particular friend and you think the $10 word hold your hat, come in to take a online trader, Substack Trader Ferg.

Stu Turley [00:11:00] He’s a great follow for Substacks Thoughts in his weekly note, mentally taxing us to keep the news flow and what matters. Everyone is used spotting a headline and integrating into their own frayed work. framework of how the world works. Higher up the ladder you go, geopolitically speaking it’s easier because well that’s who controls the frameworks in our society. That’s also who controls the news. We have developed expectations for better or worse how the EU will act to something or Russia or China or the U.S. and then Trump gets elected and nobody knows what he’s gonna do which is why he is a great leader for the United States. We don’t want status quo, we want things different. So there’s no simple answers anymore, but let’s talk a bit in time five years ago when Greta roamed the land touching foreheads and curing the lame. It was a wild time for energy, particularly hard for energy writers. Describing the energy world over the past decade has required more bombastic language, which is no fun. because no one wants to be the next tabloid or canceled. And I’m tired of being canceled, but you know Google and YouTube shut you down. I’ve even been shut down on LinkedIn and this is just absolutely fun.

Stu Turley [00:12:20] Terry goes further on to say Alex Epstein does an excellent job of clarifying what many Zeldin bullet points actually mean, but there are too many to go through significant energy policy repercussions, but few… are noteworthy for their significance. One of the Zeldin bullets sounds like a sci-fi book, Reconsideration of the 2009 Endangerment Finding. This ruling is being reconsidered, declared that greenhouse gasses qualified pollutants under the Clean Air Act. This is where it’s all about, and this is what is going on, the no longer defining CO2 as a pollutant. and mandatory for the United States EPA to go forth and ruin people’s lives is critical. Terry’s point in this article is Canada’s productivity has been falling relative to other large industrial economies because of being insufficient capital investment. Nobody wants to invest in Canada when you’ve got left- leaning policies. Money is going to go where you have great leaders. And Trump has brought trillions of dollars of investment into the United States with the promises of less regulatory actions. So Canada is either going to continue going down the left-wing job and we’ve got the World Economic Forum approved leader coming in replacing Trudeau. You’re either going to keep going down that road, and you’re not going to get any investments. It’s going to be a tough ride for Canada.

Stu Turley [00:14:06] So anyway, an outstanding article. Let’s roll to the last story here from David Blackman. David Blackmon, Tesla could be on the brink of a Blackberry moment. And again, before I delve into this article, I want to give Steve Reese a shout out. He’s the sponsor of the daily energy newsbeat standup podcast. And I’m looking forward to interviewing him here real soon. Going to be in person and we’re going to have an absolute blast. But if you are in the energy space and you are needing to put in a power plant or you’re needing, you need to go to energy. and really take a look at everything that they’ve got going on there. They can save you money when you take a look at your advantage for the midstream starts with reese energy consulting. Natural gas, NGLs, and midstream please give them a call also. We have a huge job issue coming around the corner, and that job issue is training. Reese Energy Consulting has got great training. So let’s go to this last story by David Blackman. This was over, I believe, on the Daily Caller. David is an outstanding author. This article on ongoing narrative impacts Tesla’s business fortunes are signs of How much Elon is sacrificing as he heads up the Doge operation for the Trump team.

Stu Turley [00:15:34] The Blackberry Moment analogy refers to Blackberry Communications device which dominated the personal handheld market for a decade until 2007 when Apple introduced the first iPhone, Blackberry. Having failed to properly assess the market and innovate to take advantage of evolving technology suffered an immediate rapid decline from that moment forward. I’ve been a critic of Tesla myself, I’m not a fan of electric vehicles in general due to their chronic limitations the industry has never successfully addressed despite having an existence in the 1890s, go figure that one out, relevant to this analogy I wrote a piece in 2023. But here’s where I believe that Tesla’s current $766 billion market cap is a 50% decline. from the company’s value just three months ago, and I think this is just a short dip. I do not give investment advice, however, this seems to be the bottom and a good buy. Everyone I am talking to is buying a Tesla. Everyone that I want to talk to knows that… You sit back and even Gutfeld and Tyrus. Tyrus on who is Planet Tyrus at Planet Tyus on X, who follows me, which is kind of cool. But when you sit back, and kind of go, they were even saying with the robotics, the auto driving, and everything else, Tesla is a great buy right now. And I firmly believe that Elon is doing some great things there.

Stu Turley [00:17:14] So I Claude David for his article. Tesla is definitely under siege and far from healthy, but rumors of its impending demise seem wildly overstated. I think that when Americans realize that they could be at 90 years old and then have a Tesla and keep their license longer because of its auto driving characteristics, I think that’s going to be selling a lot of Teslas in its own right. So you think, sit back and think about this, that my father-in-law who is having some health issues calls Tesla and the COM2 feature comes and picks him up when he goes and goes shopping. That is phenomenal. So there is so much going on at Tesla. I still think that Tesla will be the America’s electronic car and I think I love the Tesla houses. love the Tesla roof and everything else he’s got going on. So with that, like, subscribe, share, read this to your pets, and we sure appreciate everybody. Go to or go to energytheenergynews beat.substack and look forward to speaking to y’all soon. Have a great day.


The post Tesla’s Critical Moment appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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