February 9

Swiss Voters Reject Emission Curbs Over Economic Concerns



Swiss voters rejected a set of rigid emission limits in a plebiscite, dismissing a call for more climate protection over fears that it would stymie the economy.

The so-called Environmental Responsibility Initiative, launched by the youth wing of Switzerland’s Green Party, was supported by just 30% of the electorate, according to government data on Sunday.

Swiss Vote Against Strict Climate Measures

Source: Swiss government

Note: Proposal rejected in all 26 cantons

The plan demanded, among other things, that greenhouse gases emitted through consumption be reduced to 10% of their 2018 levels within the next 10 years. The Young Greens argued that such steps are necessary to keep what the Swiss consume within the boundaries of what the planet can supply.

Polls ahead of the vote had suggested such an outcome as a majority of the population deemed the economic costs of the measure too great. According to a pollster, citizens worried about jobs and a loss of prosperity, and feared a competitive disadvantage for Swiss companies. The country already has a plan to be climate neutral by 2050.

The post Swiss Voters Reject Emission Curbs Over Economic Concerns appeared first on Energy News Beat.


​Energy News Beat 


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