I had the opportunity to visit with Kimberly Page and Kim McGinty from Reese Consulting live from the NAPE conference. I had an absolute blast visiting with them about their thoughts on natural gas brokering and successes with their customers.
When you have some of the biggest names in the natural gas markets as your customers, you had better show up with your A-game daily. But you have a winning formula when you give everyone that same big account service while giving the same support to the smaller accounts. I even liked their ability to customize solutions for companies with labor shortages or budget constraints on full-time positions.
At Reese Consulting, they have to have great employees to keep our energy security moving forward. It is great to have a support team when facing so many challenges in the energy market. I truly enjoyed meeting the Reese team and having dinner with the entire team was fantastic. That is where you can really let your hair down. (if you have any).
Thank you, Kimberly and Kim, for stopping by the NAPE podcast pavilion. – Stu
Follow Kimberly on her LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberly-page/
Follow Kim on her LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-mcginty-5a22477/
And follow Reese Consulting here: https://www.reeseenergyconsulting.com/
Highlights of the Podcast
01:10 – Introduction to the team and their roles
02:02 – Understanding market needs and customer requirements
03:03 – Importing and exporting services
04:01 – New brokering services and offerings
05:24 – Producer services and staff augmentation
06:08 – Experience and team expertise
12:08 – Team experience and expertise in the industry
13:19 – Investor pool and project market
14:09 – Sandstone deal evaluations and potential discussions
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Automatic Transcription: We disavow any mistakes or errors unless they make us look better or sound funnier.
Stuart Turley [00:00:07] Hello, everybody. Welcome to Energy News podcast. My name’s Stuart Turley CEO of the Samsung Group. We are here live on the floor, and we have people walking up and yelling and saying.Hey, no, no, no, no, here you go go go go go.
Stuart Turley [00:00:25] And I tell you what. I’m gonna had an absolute blast whizzing with CEOs and people. And last night, Steve Reese with Reese Consulting CEO. We had wonderful guests from him. It was phenomenal. And there’s no pressure on this next room coming up. We.He has, some of the most knowledgeable people in the industry because he’s really one of the biggest dogs on the planet in natural gas and midstream and everything else. And if you want to know anything about that kind of field, you got to know Reese. Consulting I h ave right here. Directory of liquids marketing. I have Kim Mcginty. Welcome.
Kim McGinty [00:01:15] Thank you.
Stuart Turley [00:01:15] Oh, I’ll tell you.
Kim McGinty [00:01:16] We have learned very fast. It was.
Stuart Turley [00:01:20] It was, actually, I learned more about you guys than I care.
Kim McGinty [00:01:24] To, actually.
Kim McGinty [00:01:25] And that’s not surprising with our group.
Stuart Turley [00:01:29] And then we have Kim Kimberly Page. I really know in your in the business development, you get the job of facing steel when there’s no business.
Kimberly Page [00:01:38] I do, and that’s no fun.
Stuart Turley [00:01:41] No.
Kimberly Page [00:01:42] So I haven’t seen it, but I don’t want to. But I always want to have him business ready to go. So is that better? Yes. I wouldn’t have to say.
Stuart Turley [00:01:52] Anything.
Kimberly Page [00:01:52] Like the keyword. Oh, absolutely.
Kimberly Page [00:01:56] So, I actually, I am, in business development and, certainly love being a part of the group, and. Oh, my gosh, I’m not saying.
Kimberly Page [00:02:05] To get any better than that saying that.
Kimberly Page [00:02:12] No, I, I, I love being there. We we have a great team, and we’re going to talk some this morning about that team and what they’re doing that race.
Stuart Turley [00:02:19] What are you seeing in the markets? Because as business development, you have to understand what’s going on in in order to understand what your customers need.
Kimberly Page [00:02:28] That’s exactly right. I think something, that as a telltale as being at this, convention today for a.
Stuart Turley [00:02:34] Minute, fun.
Kimberly Page [00:02:34] It is. And we’re learning a lot about what people’s needs are. And it’s been fantastic to, to talk to so many different people and, learn where where their fears are, what, what they need help with things they didn’t know that we even did. We were able to explain to them, our services, our new services, our current services and our new services. And Kim’s going to kind of get us kicked off with a little bit of a story about us.
Stuart Turley [00:03:00] Oh, fantastic. Now, by the way, yesterday it was busy from a business development. I heard great things from you. It was already spoke over there.
Kim McGinty [00:03:10] It was, it was it was great.
Kim McGinty [00:03:13] And one of the things that we talked about last night at dinner was that, we were so, so surprised at how many people came up to our booth to meet Steve Reese personally. Great, because he sends out these weekly updates. You know, he’ll get, like, the eyes, the doorways. He gives all of the pricing. He gives projections. I mean, it’s he gives really great emails. So anyone who’s not on that, they really need a contact. Probably Stormy or Kimberly.
Stuart Turley [00:03:41] You don’t have that in the show notes and more.
Kim McGinty [00:03:43] I’m telling you, he’s his information is fantastic. And it comes from, you know, a plethora of sources, which he cites. But, we had so many people that came up to the booth that wanted to meet him because they have been following him for years. Yeah, on from his articles. But he’s just gone through a two year personal journey to battle cancer and A-fib spent time out at the Mayo, lost his daughter, Angelina. So a lot of people came up and wanted to reach out to him just to say how he has impacted their lives and changed their businesses. And, you know, change impacted their lives personally because of his personal journey that has improved their business and help them so much just with the information he provides in those articles.
Stuart Turley [00:04:27] You know, I’m getting all teary eyed here, and I don’t want to cry in front of everybody, but Steve means the world to me, too. And, his testimony, if you don’t understand what you’re going through, is helping others. And so selfishly, you know, praying for somebody like that helps you out. And they made it, and it was so wonderful. And, I want to give Steve a shout out for the simple fact that when he commented on one of my posts. I had a very tight, high and tight skin to my podcast listeners, flesh colored. And he goes, that’s a beautiful dumb hat, dumb hat. Love him. Had. And instead of I was sitting at home, I didn’t have a heart. It was a it was the like, no hair. So Steve rings I love you. You have a sense of humor.
Kim McGinty [00:05:21] Good man.
Stuart Turley [00:05:22] But let’s talk about the liquids and what’s going on there. You know, I’ve been on some big wheels.
Kim McGinty [00:05:27] We are. We have started, offering some, new services. We have all of the services we’ve always been providing, which Kimberly will go over, but we’ve offered, some new services now, Steve used to go into one Oak and Chesapeake and Deb and and he used to do these classes. Right. And so energy rogue reached out to Steve or vice versa. I’m not sure how that worked, but, in partnership with Energy Rogue, we have now taken all of these classes and put them online. He has his natural gas basics class I do in midstream and NGL basics class. They have gas transportation and storage class as well as gas compression and contracts class. Nice. And all of those are going to be put online that companies can purchase. And the great thing I went to one of his years ago, by ten years ago, he was getting it at one oak in person, and I was shocked at the diversity of the class. We had everyone in there from attorneys.
Stuart Turley [00:06:27] Nic
Kim McGinty [00:06:27] Hairs to traitors to distribution, because he kind of covers literally, it’s the basics. It’s from the wellhead, right? The end user. And he goes through all of that and there’s little questions that he asks and it’s interactive. But you you will get this class of the company can buy it and provide that to new hires, provide it to people. There are a lot of traders out there that have never done distribution. Yeah, you don’t know how something gets from point A to point B.
Kim McGinty [00:06:54] Or there’s a little we just do.
Stuart Turley [00:06:57] A Scooby Road. I’m not sure.
Stuart Turley [00:06:59] We have the.
Kim McGinty [00:07:01] Best traders and then a scheduler before, you know, you know, they know the whole flow of everything in.
Stuart Turley [00:07:06] That. Great.
Kim McGinty [00:07:07] And so all of those classes are, are, going to be available online. And the other thing that we’re offering that’s new is there was a need for brokering services. One of the things that we have done for years is we’ve offered marketing services. We have, Julius and Phil and Rick, who are very well versed in natural gas, and then Phil and I do the oil.
Stuart Turley [00:07:27] George. Yeah, whatever it is, they enjoy it. So.
Kim McGinty [00:07:34] We do marketing for people like we’ll do, like market their gas, our market, their fuel. But all of a sudden people started saying, well, do you do crude, do you import, do you export. So we’ve started running just recurring services. That’s a new thing, Kimberly. We’ll go over what we’ve been doing for years, which is sort of the bread and butter of I’ve Reese consulting that, one of the new services is, as I’m kind of doing, brokering for him, and that is we’re importing crude from Mexico where I.
Stuart Turley [00:08:00] Oh, yes.
Kim McGinty [00:08:02] We’re exporting you LSD and diesel and or kind of getting involved in some jet, which is a little scary, but, you know. Yeah. But, you know, it’s it’s a new service we’re providing. We have people that will have known Steve for years, and they’ll come to him and they’ll say, hey, do you have any access to crude? And he’s like, no, we don’t really do that. And I’m like, hey, do you have any access to.
Stuart Turley [00:08:24] Hey, I don’t know whether or not Steve would go, hey, or the Purple Wave. Yeah. I mean, you know.
Kim McGinty [00:08:31] You know.
Kim McGinty [00:08:32] I don’t, but I’ll figure that out for you. Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:08:34] You drive, you know, Italian, you know? Hey, you know, we’re not exactly.
Stuart Turley [00:08:38] I think we.
Stuart Turley [00:08:38] Can do that.
Kimberly Page [00:08:40] We can do that. We will be right on offering that.
Kim McGinty [00:08:45] Now, any. We listen to the people. And so that’s a new service for everybody.
Stuart Turley [00:08:49] That’s great. It’s fantastic.
Stuart Turley [00:08:51] Okay. Really what are some of the other stuff you guys do?
Kimberly Page [00:08:54] It’s one of the big things that, Kim was just talking about also is the energy marketing services, that we offer. But in addition to that, we have producer services. Nice. To give you a little bit of my background, which I did, you just had made mention.
Kim McGinty [00:09:10] That our picture that.
Kimberly Page [00:09:14] The thing that you mentioned a while ago about, the best traders or schedulers one time, my background, which I’ve been in the, natural gas side of the business since, the early 90s, that’s more than 30 years ago now. But I started out as a scheduler and then, went into trading from there at Natural Gas. So I worked my way through from that into, the world commodity trading and risk management world. And, never did forget my producer services, at all. Or I am getting to, go out and sell it, and, nothing makes me more happy. And I certainly, enjoy it. And I enjoy doing it for state. But some of the many things that we do for. Producers as, we may do staff augmentation in that area. Meaning you have small producer that, really can’t afford a full time scheduler.
Stuart Turley [00:10:09] Oh.
Kimberly Page [00:10:09] Perhaps we can come in and do that scheduling for you. We had the skill set, and the people, like myself, that have been in the industry for a long time. Kim and I were laughing. We. I don’t think we have enough fingers, toes or anything else to count up how many years of experience that we have put together and think.
Stuart Turley [00:10:27] That’s an.
Stuart Turley [00:10:27] Excuse, but I want to ask you so I.
Kim McGinty [00:10:29] Don’t I mean, I, I assume that in her head that’s.
Stuart Turley [00:10:37] Another thing, Steve, when I heard from, all the time.
Kimberly Page [00:10:40] From Arkansas here. So I was no.
Kim McGinty [00:10:43] Razorbacks have to use.
Kimberly Page [00:10:44] All that was right.
Stuart Turley [00:10:46] Or if you did win the last bedlam. So, you know, what? Do you like to go out? I was going.
Kim McGinty [00:10:51] To get 1000, I don’t know, like 16 out of ten.
Stuart Turley [00:10:55] LSU actually has more national titles than you.
Kim McGinty [00:11:00] How does that go against one another, though?
Stuart Turley [00:11:02] I don’t care.
Kimberly Page [00:11:05] About that statistic. Well.
Stuart Turley [00:11:08] We’re going to have you guys on the podcast, and we’re going to talk about, great teamwork. And I love the banter between, you and OSU because I really don’t care as long as it’s an old, Oklahoma school. I, I want, I want the best for Oklahoma. I want the best for Texas. But in a dogfight between Oklahoma and Texas, I’m kind of partial to Oklahoma.
Kim McGinty [00:11:36] So I always say I will, I will.
Stuart Turley [00:11:39] But now.
Kim McGinty [00:11:39] With my guns and waving my wheat. As long as it’s not against the Sooners. I’m a sinner girl, so.
Stuart Turley [00:11:44] There’s nothing wrong with that. But you can get out podcast now.
Kim McGinty [00:11:48] I just I don’t think we’re even.
Kim McGinty [00:11:51] I even cheer for LSU when they’re playing Tulsa. I just, you know, they’re my second favorite team.
Stuart Turley [00:11:56] Well, you know, and the funny thing is, Kimberly, you get your work cut out for you. Keep in, Steve, and we want to help you get the word out. And so we will do some more things for you and visit with you here in a little bit. We’ll flag you when this goes out. Thank you. And I’m just honored to finally get to help you guys.
Kimberly Page [00:12:15] So, so this show has.
Kimberly Page [00:12:17] Done.
Kimberly Page [00:12:18] Wonders for all of us, including.
Kimberly Page [00:12:19] Steve. Isn’t that great?
Kim McGinty [00:12:21] It is great. And one of the things that I think is that to kind of touch back on what Kimberly said is I have the fewest number of years in the business and on his team. Steve has assembled this team. I have 28 years in this business. Kimberly has been over 30 states, 45. We’ve got Phil, Julius, and all of them are over 40.
Stuart Turley [00:12:40] Years a wife. And y’all don’t look that way. May I look back? I’ve been right. I was fired.
Kimberly Page [00:12:46] Up. I’m not sure if there’s any.
Kim McGinty [00:12:52] I mean, that’s one of the things that we’ve enjoyed about this trade show is people have come up and they’re like, oh, you do auditing. Oh, you do marketing. Oh, you do, you know, compression and gathering. And we have land, man. You know, we have engineering, we have done the volume.
Stuart Turley [00:13:07] You guys audit in natural gas in the US is probably the largest, portion out there. You guys do. Huge. Amounts of writing.
Kim McGinty [00:13:18] Yeah. And, you know, and you know what Steve has started doing that is really good here at Navy. You’ll find out probably. What I don’t know, 80% of the people out here have maps up and they’re trying to find investors right for their programs. So we kind of have an investor pool that have have come to us either, you know, through people, you know, like either Steve or myself or Kimberly or whomever, that are always looking for projects. So people are now coming to us and saying, hey, I have this project, I’m looking for an operating partner, I’m looking.
Stuart Turley [00:13:46] Really
Kim McGinty [00:13:48] To partner, and we will take that to market for them. Isn’t that great? Yeah. It’s fantastic.
Stuart Turley [00:13:53] I want to I want to visit with you guys a little bit later. We do at Sandstone Deal Valuations and we go through and we have ripped apart a lot of dealers where it is either a good deal or a bad deal. With the flow, everything else and all these kind of things and any of the and being in the news and anything. So, you know, that be kind of fun to talk to.
Kim McGinty [00:14:20] Is a lot of fun.
Stuart Turley [00:14:21] Oh, absolutely.
Stuart Turley [00:14:22] You know, I need someone to you guys, but.
Kim McGinty [00:14:27] He’s always by.
Kim McGinty [00:14:28] Himself and always, you know, I’m just good. Last night, that was a. Yeah, that was.
Stuart Turley [00:14:34] A heck of a.
Kimberly Page [00:14:34] Burn and did.
Stuart Turley [00:14:35] Yeah, I noticed you remember the check and it was like, oh, he’s not.
Kimberly Page [00:14:39] Now you can have it.
Stuart Turley [00:14:43] Like like I agree with you, officer.
Stuart Turley [00:14:47] Thank you. So.
Kim McGinty [00:14:48] Much. Thank you.
Stuart Turley [00:14:50] You have your LinkedIn, profiles in the show notes and all the content. So with that, thank you to all of our wonderful listeners out there. Stay tuned. And I want to announce that we have just rolled out our 500th episode this week, so that’s not bad for a year and a half. Yeah. Yeah. I’m tired.
Kim McGinty [00:15:11] Go ahead.
The post ENB #197 From Basics to Brokerage: Transformative Services in the Energy Sector appeared first on Energy News Beat.
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