January 31

ENB #179 Navigating Regulatory Challenges: A Deep Dive into Oil and Gas Waste Management and Emissions Reduction



I learned so many things from our guests, and today is another great example. Carolina Ortega, VP of Sustainability at Milestone Environmental, was a fantastic resource for our listeners. There are so many regulations, and it is almost impossible to keep up. The penalties for not keeping up would be worth companies visiting with her before the auditing started.

Check out Milestone Environmental HERE: https://www.milestone-es.com/

Thank you, Carolina; I had an absolute blast!

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

01:06 – Introduction of Carolina Ortega, VP of Sustainability at Milestone Environmental Services.

01:26 – Overview of Milestone’s sustainability efforts and waste management for oil and gas companies.

02:27 – Discussion on handling slurry waste and its environmental impact.

04:23 – Introduction to regulatory issues and scope one, scope two, and scope three emissions in the oil and gas industry.

05:43 – Explanation of how Milestone’s services impact scope one and scope three emissions.

06:39 – Importance of waste management for net-zero goals in oil and gas.

07:00 – Discussion on methane fees and financial impact on EMP operators.

10:27 – Clarification of scope one, scope two, and scope three emissions and waste management.

12:09 – Challenges in accounting for scope three emissions, especially in waste management.

13:08 – Milestone’s role in providing clarity and data on carbon emissions in waste management.

14:31 – Potential ROI for oil and gas companies using Milestone’s services.

15:54 – Introduction to Milestone’s exploration of value creation and plans for sustainable ROI data.

18:29 – Excitement about the upcoming release of Milestone’s 2023 sustainability report and plans for specific value data.

19:46 – Introduction of Milestone’s triple verified framework.

21:57: Discussion on the workload and the upcoming release of Milestone’s 2023 sustainability report in April.

24:35 – Emphasis on Milestone’s commitment to being a partner in the energy transition.

26:21 – Description of Milestone’s facilities and locations in Texas and New Mexico.

26:52 – How to reach out to Carolina Ortega – LinkedIn and Milestone’s website.

27:09 – Outro


Stuart Turley [00:00:07] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. My name’s David Hurley, president CEO of the sandstone Group. And I’ll tell you what, our first responders, our military and everything that’s going on right now, mental health and PTSD are incredibly important. I’ve just interviewed Kyle Reese and we had some great talk about PTSD, and he said, get rid of the D because it is treatable. And I’ve got Nick Burns here and he’s with Petro Fit. Now let’s also talk about his, duty to our service to our country in the Army. Welcome. And, thanks for coming by.


Nick Burns [00:00:50] I appreciate you. Thanks for having me. It’s gonna be fun to talk about. You’re a lot to talk about.


Stuart Turley [00:00:53] Is Petro fit?


Nick Burns [00:00:56] So Pedro fit? We’re. We are a health and fitness coaching company. Cater to oil and gas workers. So that could be a feel guy. Could be someone in the office who could be. Someone is living at airport. I mean, we’re just trying to make the energy, stronger and healthier, right? But so we we focus on custom nutritional protocols, custom training, custom lifestyle, lifestyle coaching, being being the biggest thing for a lot of our, that are oil and gas workers because they’re on, you know, the hit schedules and it’s there a lot away from home. So it’s very demanding. So it’s a big one on one custom six month coaching program for, oil and gas workers to get healthy again.


Stuart Turley [00:01:35] Right. And so you also, as we are visiting so, you know, our great, oil and gas workers have a tough life. And so when you get back and you got to get back into it, you got to release that stress because you’re working on that rig all that time. You gotta get you gotta keep in shape that. But you also talk about all your help that you do with our, our veterans and stuff. Tell us about that.


Nick Burns [00:01:59] Yeah. So we we launched to 14 Fit on Veterans Day last year. It’s crazy. Sorry 2024 last year. Veterans day 214 fit. So 214 obviously the 214 veterans when they leave the service, whether you’re honorable or dishonorable, obviously we we want we want the honorable guys. But anyway, you know, we we we focus on the, the the rehabilitation of a veteran through health and wellness. And so we are talking about a little bit the thing like your mental health, you know, increases by as much as 40%. If you’re actually in the gym, you’re releasing endorphins, you’re eating healthy, good whole food. And that myself too. And I got out of military, I was six years Army active duty as a combat engineer in Fort Bragg. I had PTSD, and I’m still have PTSD today, but the gym saved my life. And so that’s what we’re bringing back to veterans now instead of obviously pills and alcohol. So let’s this is what we’re substituting it with.


Stuart Turley [00:02:59] Oh that’s fabulous. I’ll tell you. PTSD. And again, as Kyle said, you know, the D is treatable, for people that have been in, post-traumatic, it is real, I have suffered for it from all of my life through stepping in and saving someone in a horrific situation. My poor wife has put up with me all this time, and she knows when I have not worked out. So your mission is critical to those folks that are first responders?


Nick Burns [00:03:37] Yeah, everybody. I think technically you don’t have to be a military veteran or anyone to go through to get PTSD, right? So I think it’s, you know, if you’re looking to get. You know, healthy and counteract this, right? Because you mentioned earlier, without the D, most people just forget about, you know, the simplicity of life, eating healthy and exercising, what that does to a person and how it can change your life if you actually dedicate your life to it. Right.


Stuart Turley [00:04:05] So now, when you help folks, and you help the veterans coming out of the military and do you help get them into the oil field because there’s good money in the oil field. If you’re coming out of there, how does that work? Or you got some good ideas on helping them, or do you go to the ranch or what do you do there?


Nick Burns [00:04:26] Yeah, we we got a lot of things. It’s a two part. We’re in, we’re, we’re hoping the the fact the Warrior Ranch, that’s a nonprofit we just started where we bring veterans out, just very.


Stuart Turley [00:04:36] Much at all.


Nick Burns [00:04:38] And that’s what my wife says. You can get some sleep, right? Yeah. It’s. This is great. This is what this is. But great question, because it’s like it’s me as a military guy, very high, strong, fast paced environment. If I don’t, if I’m not staying busy like my my mental state. Right. So it’s like I gotta stay busy. But yeah, the Warrior Ranch is great because we are helping transitioning veterans get place Border Patrol oil and gas as well, but we bring them out to a ranch for, 7 to 14 days. And we we teach them the ins and outs of a working ranch, working with their hands, equestrian therapy, and paired up with a horse. Teach them how to how to work cattle, you know, fit, fix fences, branding, all that good stuff. So it’s it’s going to be good. It’s going to be really fun.


Stuart Turley [00:05:21] The veterans and police guys that I hang out with do not fall asleep because I if I could, because I’m such a practical joker, I’d wake up with a brand on my bunk. It’s I know that somebody would do that to me.


Nick Burns [00:05:35] Yeah, yeah. Oh it’s a it’s a good thing. It’s like Yellowstone, right? Like the vets leave, we’re going to brand them. But like, yeah, it’s, you know, I think with it’s going to be big. Just equestrian therapy in itself. Like I think we underwrite there’s a lot of horse programs out there I think. But I think we underestimate like the true nature of what a horse can do to a guy. Right. Like, oh yeah, you’re out on the ranch. You’re you’re that is, it’s like you’re out of prison in a way. Like you’re in the military. Your gun is by your side everywhere, right? You don’t leave anywhere without it. You protect it. You ever with it. It’s kind of the same mentality that we’re taking is we’re going to pair you up with a horse. This is gonna be your horse for almost a month right now. So 31 days. And so, yeah. And, you know, if we if we have the capabilities or the that has the capabilities to take that horse with them, we’ll we’ll let them keep the horse.


Stuart Turley [00:06:25] No way.


Nick Burns [00:06:27] Yep yep yep. Just.


Stuart Turley [00:06:28] Okay.


Nick Burns [00:06:29] We’re going through all those. That’s the plan.


Stuart Turley [00:06:31] Okay. Okay. I’m going to ask a couple questions here because my wife and I were on, vacation. We went up to Robert Redford’s place up at Sundance, and they gave me, she they gave her some nag. I mean, she’s not the nag, but they gave her an egg, so it was kind of nice. She got a nice one. I got one, and I’m like, anybody rode before. Yeah, I have, and they gave me a rocket. Okay, so I have this thing I had to stand on, and, I mean, it was great. And then when a bear came out, I mean, I didn’t have any problem getting away from that bear. It was like, no, it was gone. I had to stand on it. So now. Yeah. Do you have any horses that you work with your vets named rocket because this thing was no easy to ride.


Nick Burns [00:07:17] Yeah, we a lot of those we get kind of donations from dude ranches and, and what have you. And we there’s a lot of horses in West Texas. Right. And we have.


Stuart Turley [00:07:25] Oh yeah.


Nick Burns [00:07:26] There’s a lot of ranches with, you know, my in-laws and they have, you know, a lot of ranches as well. They have, you know, a lot of good horses and repairing them up with gentle horses. But I think, you know, it’s the first week of the program is teaching them how to ride. Right. It’s it’s giving them the actual horsemanship skill sets that they need getting integrated. And, you know, the hope is that, you know, this is just getting started, right? You know, we’re putting all this together. We’re we’re looking for donations to start getting this rolling, for this nonprofit. But yeah, we want we want them we want them to walk away. If they want to go get play some border patrol, we have contacts or that they want to go get placed in oil and gas. We have contacts for that. Or if they want to go work on a ranch as a hand, we have that that capability as well. So they know how to horse. They know how to ride a horse, they know how to rope, they know how to do everything they need to to go work on a ranch.


Stuart Turley [00:08:17] You know, my dad was in, Vietnam, and he was an F-4, fighter pilot. And so, it was awful. Of his five, fraternity brothers that went over to Vietnam, he’s the only one that came back and and so they were shooting down all of our airplanes pretty good back then. So, he had some serious problems, going through. And, I as he retired. His chief of staff in the Air Force. I kind of understood the military mindset as somebody who had been shot at and, blown up because, his hooch in Saigon was getting blown up a bunch.


Nick Burns [00:09:00] So, yeah, that’s intense. And that’s, that’s what I did the military as a combat engineer. So we did route clearance and IED disposal. So I had six concussions. And that’s just, you know, we want the vets that are combat vets to come be able to have that, that that offset. Right. Come out the ranch. You got five other veterans with you. So the brotherhood you’re creating.


Stuart Turley [00:09:22] So yeah. Oh how cool is that? Now you also have a podcast as well too. What is the podcast?


Nick Burns [00:09:30] It’s Burns Brigade, so it’s my wife and I, we we teach and we kind of talk about our own personal stories because we, we have three kids and how do we run businesses and how do we create unity within our family and the things that we do personally, but also how to create a better camaraderie and habits within companies and families unit to create more camaraderie. And so we like to talk about a lot. A lot of that is health and wellness focused. But but it’s obviously it’s leadership development, personal development as well.


Stuart Turley [00:09:57] So you know, you’ve got she’s.


Nick Burns [00:10:00] She’s way prettier than I am. So.


Stuart Turley [00:10:02] Well, I don’t know, you’ve got the, voice for radio. I’ve got the face for radio, as John combines. I mean, I mean, you look. Yeah, I’m such a homely beast, but I have so much fun. You would be fantastic in doing more podcasts. Even possibly without your wife talking to other veterans, or having your wife run part of the segment, talking to the other, other things as well, too. So you might visit with her about separating that out a little bit.


Nick Burns [00:10:34] They’re running their own mottos. Yeah. She’s she’s, she’s a lawyer. She does pageantry. She’s done Mrs. World and Mrs. America know.


Stuart Turley [00:10:43] She was Miss.


Nick Burns [00:10:44] Texas for a bit and and now she does. But she’s she’s a Houston Texans cheerleader for almost four years, and she, she’s still cheering for them. So she has her own spin of things of like, moms who want to keep their glam right, doing the things they love they grew up doing while also being a mother. Right. And she’s really good at delivering that message.


Stuart Turley [00:11:06] I’ll tell you. I just got to interview Grace. Thank you. She is this, last year’s, Miss America, and she was okay in, in Dubai. And she is a nuclear engineer. Just graduated. And, I mean, the future is bright with those kind of a young lady. Yeah, yeah. So she’s she’s.


Nick Burns [00:11:26] Intense. She runs. She runs the show, I’ll tell you that much.


Stuart Turley [00:11:30] Yes. So when you sit back and kind of go with your wife, Michael Tanner is my podcast host. We have the Daily Show, and then I have my long form podcast. So Michael, my wife laughs and says he’s my work wife. So we separated it out. So we have that podcast and then I get my own fix with my podcast. Resume was so good. I did get that same kind of deal. Use the same podcast.


Nick Burns [00:11:59] We’re always butting heads to is like what we’re talking, which is like, I want to buy this. She’s like, no, I want to go like this. It’s like, well, how do we figure out what to talk about? Right? So it’s it’s like she has her own spin on my own spin. It’s actually probably pretty good.


Stuart Turley [00:12:11] But, you know, in our nick when we sit back and you were so great because I talked to so many other podcast host that we can’t even get a word in edgewise. I don’t know how you got the voice for it, and it would be fun to hear you visit with other veterans and other oilfield guys. Nick, you know, I am so glad that we’ve saved your marriage today. And so as we get ready to visit here, you’ve got your podcast. Tell us about how people can get Ahold of you.


Nick Burns [00:12:41] Yeah, if you want to kind of see what we’re doing over petrified of 214 fit. You can do Petra Fit training.com reach out to us or Nick at Petra fit.info. Or if you’re a veteran who needs some help, you need some structure in your life again, and some camaraderie and brotherhood. You can meet Nick at 214 fit dot net.


Stuart Turley [00:12:58] So help to engage. Yeah. Thank you for your service to both our country and our other fellow vets and the other folks in the oil field. So, they are front line on the energy. We need them really bad for energy security. So thank you for stopping by the podcast.


Nick Burns [00:13:17] Appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me.


The post ENB #179 Navigating Regulatory Challenges: A Deep Dive into Oil and Gas Waste Management and Emissions Reduction appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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