March 4

The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 5a: Reversing the Seven P Plan by Restoring the Scientific Project in the Western Universities


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George W McMillan III,, Copyright © June 23, 2024/March 2, 2025

The Seven Ps

  • The Professor P
  • The Prosecutor P
  • The Police P
  • The Politician P
  • The Press P
  • The Priest P
  • The Parent P

The Seven P Plan of the Left Series of Papers—Defining the Problem Set

Introduction: The First of Two Objectives

The fundamental elements of the Seven P Plan of the Left related to current trends in the West have already been introduced in the first four papers in this series.

The first objective of this tranche of the “Seven P Plan of the Left” series of papers is to explain why it is in the best interest of the religious and conservative free-market-oriented Universities to adopt the curriculum of the Unified Behavioral Theory/Integrated Casual Model of the Philosophical and Social Sciences to as the means of synergizing, and therefore maximizing,  the effectiveness of their existing subject matter experts and produce logically coordinated micro-psychological and macro-political-economic-geopoltical theories.

This can be achieved by merely teaching Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Government Form theories in conjunction with macroeconomic growth theories at no additional cost to the University. It just requires a modicum of coordination among the faculty—which is easier said than done. One would think that educated professors can easily coordinate their curriculum to advance logical coherency in the philosophical and social sciences, yet that aspect is going to be an interesting experiment in the human ego in itself.

The UBT/ICM of the Philosophical and Social Sciences

The Unified Behavioral Theory/Integrated Causal Model of the Philosophical and Social Sciences is explained in a separate series of papers and slide sets. As complicated as it might sound, it is based on the fusion of Ancient Greek Classical Political Philosophy integrated with neoclassical economic thought and economic/demographic modeling methodologies.

The UBT/ICM slide sets and papers were designed to be presented at economic conferences to an audience of graduate students and Philosophy Doctorate professors in the Interdisciplinary Economics, and Game Theory conferences.

In contrast, this series of papers has a different approach and explains why the UBT/ICM should be introduced to freshman students by teaching Aristotle’s Six Forms of Government in conjunction with the fundamentals of the fundamentals of macroeconomic growth theory.

From that starting point, all that has to happen is to coordinate the efforts of existing Psychology, Political Philosophy, and Economics Professors to teach key evolutionary, psychological, Political Government Form, Economic Growth, and Geopolitical worldview theories following this sequence.

All of the key overarching theorists in each of these disciplines already teach constructive versus destructive behavioral dynamic theories. In this particular sequence, a freshman can learn how individual and small-group social psychology merges with the macropolitical, economic, and geopolitical behaviors of people en masse.

The basis of building a logically coherent set of religious and ideological beliefs will be explained in this series of papers that work in conjunction with the other series of papers on Energy News Beat. The message is simple, the logical incoherence of the present “Standard Social Scientific Model” of the Left can easily be replaced with a logically coherent “Integrated Causal Model” with a modicum of effort and support from the societal, cultural, and educational institutions.

Second Objective

Second, it should be noted that the United States Department of Education spent trillions of dollars on accelerating the “Seven P Plan of the Left” since it came into being in the late 1970s. One would think that the conservative and religious Universities could at least reorganize their departments to reverse the Seven Ps.

This would not cost any more than they are currently spending, The Western University system is no longer functional for the reasons expressed by Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind published in 1988, and Tooby and Cosmides’ “The Psychological Foundations of Culture,” which appeared in The Adapted Mind that was first published in 1992 and can be downloaded on the UCSB website.

The qualitative explanatory model was developed first following the guidelines of Nobel Laureate John Harsanyi, and the late Professor Emeritus Herbert Gintis, both writing in the areas of Game Theory and Interdisciplinary Economics.

The qualitative UBT/ICM could be advanced to the ratio level of modeling easily if the project were to be funded and supported by the various economic communities already mentioned. As Jeff Deist from the Mises Institute explained in numerous lectures over the years and joined by many others, the discipline of economics has become overly mathematical and now lacks a complimentary behavioral theory.

What many behavioral economics professors have discussed was that Adam Smith worked closely with David Hume to develop his Theory of Moral Sentiments as he was developing as he was writing his Lectures on Jurisprudence that correlated the evolution of property rights and economic efficiency and development that became the basis of his Wealth of Nations originally published in 1776 that linked the division of labor to economic efficiency, output, and growth.

The areas of post-Darwinian evolutionary theory and post-Freudian psychological theory have greatly evolved since the writings of David Hume and Adam Smith. If the collaborative effort of Hume and Smith were to be replicated in conjunction with the advances in post-Darwinian and post-Watson and Crick Evolutionary theory, in conjunction with post-Freudian psychological theory, the logical incoherence of the Frankfurt School’s “Standard Social Scientific Model” that drives the Seven P Plan of the Left could easily be overcome.

The Universities just have to teach a select group of books that the Left discarded in each topical era and teach them in sequence. The Left discarded the theories that should have been confirmed at the end of the Cold War and kept the books that should have been discarded.

Using the Per Capita Gross National Product Ratio as a Placeholder  

The idea behind the development of the UBT/ICM was to reduce the complex mathematical models of contemporary economics and demography to the per capita GNP ratio as a simplification for complex economic growth theory/demographic projection models. This simplification allows the Per Capita Gross National Product ratio to be used as a placeholder, while the complimentary micro-macro complex behavioral model was built around it.

To maximize the effect of the UBT/ICM to the next logical step would be to merge the complex behavioral model with complex Game Theoretic, Economic Growth Theory, and Game Theoretic mathematics. That would take considerable funding, but in light of the US Department of Education spending trillions of dollars in advancing the Frankfurt School’s logically incoherent Standard Social Scientific Model, great gains could accrue if a University was rented out for a Summer Seminar to begin the process of reversing the Seven P Plan of the Left.

Coordination in Academia

In closing, the fundamental aspects of this research design are much simpler than people can imagine since it is merely based on teaching freshman Plato and Aristotle in conjunction with basic micro and macroeconomics that are already taught separately. Great gains can be made by teaching them in sequence. In this respect, the only problem is getting University deans and professors to cooperate.

The research design of the UBT/ICM advances many objectives in the Interdisciplinary Economic Science, Game Theory, and Austrian School communities, and is the basis of reversing “The Seven P Plan of the Left” because (a) it restores the scientific project to the Western University system, and (b) it illuminates the design in nature that indicates a designer of nature.  The more one understands the fundamental logic of this research design, the more one understands why the Left abandoned the scientific project and why it should be restored if a willing institution emerged.

For everything written by George McMillan for Energy News Beat, check out his landing page here:

The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 1: The Transformation of America into a Single-Party Socialist State
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 2: The Departure from Evolutionary Stable Strategies and the Demographic Collapse of the West and Their Pacific Rim Allies
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 3: The Abandonment of the Scientific Project in the Social Sciences and the Decline of the West
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 4: The Need for An Alternative University System and Revival of the Scientific Project in the Social Sciences to Save the West

The post The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 5a: Reversing the Seven P Plan by Restoring the Scientific Project in the Western Universities appeared first on Energy News Beat.


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