George W McMillan III, RavenGeostrategic.com, Copyright © June 23, 2024/ March 2, 2025
The Seven Ps
- The Professor P
- The Prosecutor P
- The Police P
- The Politician P
- The Press P
- The Priest P
- The Parent P
Wokeism, Incompetence, Financial and Political Instability
“Wokeism” has become the common term used to describe the delusional educational and institutional objectives of the fantasy-driven Left. The purpose of the “Seven P Plan of the Left” series is to operationally define the strategic plans of the Left in a Rational Actor Belief Preference Constraint (RABPC) model format.
The development of RABPC models is essential in developing multiple courses of action (COA) counter strategies. The RABPC Model process is how “information” is turned into “actionable intelligence” by producing feasible courses of action that are the basis of counter strategies or emergency response procedures depending upon one’s circumstance.
In this sense, the “Seven P Plan of the Left series of papers defines the problem in the context of the history of Leftist literature that defines their Beliefs, Preferences, and Constraints in a Rational Actor model. The advantage of developing Rational Actor/Rational Choice models is to define the objectives and goals of one’s opponent and proactively anticipate an opponent’s array of possible next moves.
This Rational Actor/Rational Choice form of predictive modeling prepares effective counter strategies and emergency response procedures to keep one’s team members from being caught off guard. The old saying is that “people do not rise to the occasion, they default to their level of training.”
Without strategic modeling, one will always be reacting and falling behind the opponent’s attack cycle. Hence, the “Seven P Plan of the Left” series of papers was developed in the RABPC model format that defines the problem set, which then explains why the Unified Behavioral Theory/Integrated Causal Model (UBT/ICM) of the philosophical and social sciences is the solution set.
The upshot here is that the conservative Universities followed the trends of the Frankfurt School and abandoned the scientific project also. The conservative and religious Universities are way behind the attack cycle and should gravitate towards the UBT/ICM curriculum to form a resurgence and effective counterattack.
Rousseau and the Underlying Premise of Parasitic Leftist Thought
The “Seven P Plan of the Left” defines the underlying premise of Leftism in terms of Rousseau’s attributing inequality to property rights, marital rights, the Patriarchal nuclear family, and the Ten Commandments of the Abrahamic religions that inculcates these beliefs in “culture.”
The Left believes that eradicating Western society of the Patriarchal nuclear family and making the proportional representation of all people in all institutions through their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda is the path to equality.
The reality is that relative equality is based on economic growth/population growth proportions that define the wage labor equilibrium rate realities not delusional redistributive policies. Leftist redistributive plans undermine effective economic investment growth strategies on the one hand, while Leftism is always based on the consolidation of political and economic power on the other hand because it enhances their control over the institutions.
It is the concentration of political and economic power that undermines the concept of “perfect competition” which is the basis for improving relative equity measured by the Gini coefficient and Lorenz curves. Leftist-driven ideals always backfire because Bureaucratic leaders end up running their departments like fiefdoms.
Maynard Smith and the Concept of Evolutionary Stable Strategies (ESS)
Maynard Smith developed the term “evolutionary stable strategy” to explain how animals pursue resources and mates for self-survival and survival of the species premise in his text, Evolutionary Game Theory published in 1973. The pertinent concept is that Matriarchal Leftism has proven to be a non-evolutionary stable strategy across the West.
However since Feminist Leftism is based on heavily redistributive policies espoused in the Cloward and Piven Plan published in The Nation in 1966, the West has become increasingly financially and economically unstable as well. The US national debt is now over $36 trillion and the Department of Government Efficiency is trying to mitigate the damage to the extent possible.
This series of instabilities is creating the conditions under which the US and other Western countries are becoming domestically political and internationally geopolitically unstable as well. Leftism is a parasitic ideology that always kills the host by creating a series of instabilities that are systematically explained in the UBT/ICM format.
For everything written by George McMillan for Energy News Beat, check out his landing page here: https://energynewsbeat.co/george-mcmillian/
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 1: The Transformation of America into a Single-Party Socialist State
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 2: The Departure from Evolutionary Stable Strategies and the Demographic Collapse of the West and Their Pacific Rim Allies
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 3: The Abandonment of the Scientific Project in the Social Sciences and the Decline of the West
The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 4: The Need for An Alternative University System and Revival of the Scientific Project in the Social Sciences to Save the West
The post The Seven P Plan of the Left Part 6: Defining Wokeism and “The Strange Death of the West” appeared first on Energy News Beat.
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