August 23

Daily Energy Standup Episode #193


Is nuclear energy the answer to a sustainable future? Experts are divided

Nuclear power has been touted as a proven, safe way of producing clean energy, but why isn’t it more widely adopted? Contrary to popular belief, cost, not safety, is the main obstacle that needs to […]

At Current Pace, U.S. Will Eliminate Fossil Fuels In 170 Years

The New York Times declared this week that a “profound shift” is taking place in America, which is “rapidly shifting away from fossil fuels.” This, the newspaper says, is also happening in Europe and elsewhere. From such […]

White House on Alert Over Rising Fuel Prices

Rising gasoline prices in the US are starting to put pressure on the Biden administration in the run-up to next year’s election. The national average for regular unleaded gasoline was trading at $3.87 per gallon […]

Renewable energy has a brutal problem, and no one knows how to solve it

It is not a question as to whether there is enough energy available from the sun or wind or waves or whatever, it is a question of what is needed for the underlying engineering — […]

Critics question how climate-friendly an Appalachian ‘blue’ hydrogen hub will be

​ Critics say a pair of proposals to make Appalachian Ohio part of regional hydrogen hubs is likely to benefit the state’s oil and gas industry more than the climate. The two proposals are among […]

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